Latest news

First of all, my most sincere apologies for not publishing anything since almost two weeks.

My brother Ibrahima unfortunately passed away in the meantime, at the age of 33. As a consequence, I had to change my priorities in the last week, especially to prepare his funerals.

While this was a sad moment for me and my family, I also want to stress that this does not call into question my commitment to building a career management platform that works for everybody. In fact, it evens strengthens my resolve.

Ibrahima was involved from the beginning into Jinn. He was very enthusiastic in this project, as he was really looking forward to helping communities in Africa to grow better. The idea of creating job opportunities there was the main reason he supported us so early, to the point he gave suggestions to shape the business model and even created a Facebook community about it to help spread the word about us.

Unfortunately, we were not ready enough to communicate in French at the beginning. While we plan to create content specific to the markets, he won’t be there anymore to see this happening.

I was already very motivated in this adventure. Paying tribute to his memory by developing Jinn as we originally imagined it is one more reason to finish this project.

Which brings me to the following announcements.

Coming soon

Jinn on mobile

Jinn app home

Most of Internet users are using their mobile phones, rather than a computer. Which means than accessing Jinn would be far easier with an application than by entering an URL in a web browser. I am not going to discuss all the pros and cons of an app, because I am convinced they are much more pros of having an app than cons.

Therefore, I am happy to announce that we are working on an app, which is already in beta, and will be hopefully available on App Store and Google Play by mid-2021.

Our initial schedule for the app was even earlier than this date, but as you read just before, some unforeseeable events made us change our plans.

With this app, you will be able to post your activity from your phone. It will be easier to share photos, documents, or to comment your network’s activity.

You will of course be able to access the course catalogue, enroll in courses. You could even download courses to do them offline, as well as your certificates.

The job search, the career encyclopedia and the career marketplace are of course part of the app.

Jinn app settings

A faster career encyclopedia

Since the creation of the Jinn website, speed was always one of the biggest problems to solve. Even though now we are far better than at the beginning, it is still too slow for many people (myself included, to be honest).

After many months browsing for different technical solutions to solve the problem, we finally found a solution that should divide the page loading speed by minimum 2! We are very excited about this!

We are still in the process of implementing this “new” database. The main challenge is to keep the existing one while the new one is being created alongside, and then slowly redirect all the traffic from the old one to the new one, before removing the old database and decrease the site loading time.

Hopefully, you will be able to see the new database by beginning of June. Expect also some cosmetic improvements with it!

More content from guests

In order to be recognized as a career website, it is no secret that we must team up with career experts. That is why one of our priorities in the next months will be to convince more career specialists to contribute to our blog, by giving tips and insights about their favorite topics.

We also started a new series, Tell your journey, in which we discuss with people who have experienced an entrepreneurial journey. We will continue this series with more people from various backgrounds, in order to have a database of testimonials from people who truly reflect this world. By the way, don’t forget that you can apply to be jinnterviewed here.

A team in expansion

We plan to significantly expand our team, in order to accelerate our growth. I don’t like to give numbers, but we have set a quite ambitious target in terms of staff members by the end of this year. We want to recruit in priority a business developer, a CTO, and a marketing specialist. Of course, other profiles are also welcome. If you want to join our team, or simply contribute in another way, just leave a message here and we will be back to you as soon as possible.