This career management platform is the outcome of many days and nights of work outside my regular activity. It is also, hopefully, the beginning of a new and exciting adventure in the field of entrepreneurship and career management. It is my great pleasure to have you on this page.
Who am I?
For those who want to know more about me, my name is Adama Ba, and I am the founder and CEO of Jinn. I was born in Dakar, Senegal, 36 years ago. In every day life, I am an engineer, working in the automotive industry. I have worked, and still work for many big companies to develop electric and hybrid vehicles. Because of this activities, I had the opportunity to travel a lot, and meet many different cultures. This is one of the thing I am the most proud of in my life. I truly saw the effect of being closed minded and intolerant, and I am very happy to be on what I consider the right side.
Why a career management platform?
I had the idea of a career platform at the end of 2018, after arguing about the reasons why it was so hard to have a stable career in Africa. At this time, I came up with the idea of developing a platform where jobs and courses would be available. Thus, it would be like a market place, where jobs, candidates, courses, skills, business partnerships and so on would be. After working nearly 8 months on a business plan to figure out if it could be profitable, I decided to have a go. 6 months later, I established the company, registered the brand, and built the first version of the website with WordPress.
What is coming next?
Today, I am in the step of launching the website. As I write this, the website is online, but has no user, apart from myself and some people I use as beta testers. Some bugs are still probably there, but I will improve it slowly but surely. A new challenge lies ahead, as I need to bring in new customers. I will use this blog to keep you regularly updated about the changes to this site. I will also post some ideas about future developments, and try to be as transparent as possible.
In a next post, I will try to explain more the different features of Jinn. In the meantime, just have a look at my profile to know more about me. Stay tuned!