Adjust the oven temperature level and uniformity by correcting the fuel feed.
Alternative labels
adjusting oven temperature
oven temperature adjusting
change oven temperature
oven temperature changing
changing oven temperature
Skill type
Skill reusability level
Relationships with occupations
Essential skill
Adjust oven temperature is an essential skill of the following occupations:
Metal annealer: Metal annealers operate electric or gas kilns to soften metal so it can be cut and shaped more easily. They heat the metal to a specific temperature and / or colour and then slowly cool it, both according to specifications. Metal annealers inspect the metals through the entire process to observe any flaws.
Kiln firer: Kiln firers operate kilns in order to fire decorations or glazes. They determine the level and uniformity of oven temperature, regulate the temperature, and give directions to a helper in preparing firebox and lighting fires.
Clay kiln burner: Clay kiln burners bake clay products such as brick, sewer pipe or tiles using periodic or tunnel kilns. They regulate valves, observe thermometers, watch for fluctuations, and maintain the kilns.
Glass annealer: Glass annealers operate electric or gas kilns used to strengthen the glass products by a heating-cooling process, making sure the temperature is set according to specifications. They inspect the glass products through the entire process to observe any flaws.
Optional skill
Adjust oven temperature is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.
Rubber dipping machine operator: Rubber dipping machine operators dip forms into liquid latex to manufacture rubber products such as balloons, finger cots or prophylactics. They mix the latex and pour it into the machine. Rubber dipping machine operators take a sample of latex goods after final dip and weigh it. They add ammonia or more latex to machine if the product does not meet requirements.
- Adjust oven temperature – ESCO