Anchors used in inland water transport


Name and recognise different types of anchors used in inland water transport (IWT); explain the characteristics of different anchors and their specific uses.

Alternative labels

types of anchors used by inland water ships
types of anchor used in inland water transport operations
anchors used to secure ships in inland water transport
anchors used in inland water transportation
inland water transportation anchors
anchors used to secure vessels in inland water transport
types of anchors used inland water vessels
variety of anchors used in inland water transport operations
anchors utilised in inland water transport
inland water transport vessel anchors
inland water transport anchors
anchors utilised in inland water transportation

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential knowledge

Anchors used in inland water transport is an essential knowledge of the following occupations:

Helmsman: Helmsmen are members of the crew on the highest rank of the operational level on an inland vessel. They perform a variety of duties concerned with the operation and upkeep of deck department areas, the engine and other equipment, mooring and unmooring, as well as the steering of the ship as the main task.
Matrose: Matroses are members of the deck department of an inland water transportship. They may work on the helm, on the deck, in the cargo hold and in the engine room. They may be called on to use emergency, lifesaving, damage control, and safety equipment. They perform all operations connected with the launching of lifesaving equipment and are expected to be able to operate deck machinery, mooring and anchoring equipment.

Optional knowledge

Anchors used in inland water transport is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this knowledge may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.




  1. Anchors used in inland water transport – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022