Goods transported from warehouse facilities


Know the goods transported from warehouse facilities. Understand the legal and safety requirements of goods, the hazards that materials may represent; provide solutions and appropriate direction for the handling of goods.

Alternative labels

products transported form warehouse facilities
goods transported from warehouses
warehouse transportation network goods
warehouse goods
materials transported from warehouse facilities
warehouse transportation products
products transported from warehouses
warehouse commodities
commodities transported from warehouse facilities
warehouse products

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential knowledge

Goods transported from warehouse facilities is an essential knowledge of the following occupations:

Warehouse manager: Warehouse managers assume the responsibility for storage facilities. They manage the operations and the staff within.
Logistics and distribution manager: Logistics and distribution managers take decisions on logistic services, operations and provisions. They take internal and external variables into consideration for effective and successful organisational logistic services. They give appropriate support to all the activities of the supply chain from the beginning to the end. These professionals organise the storage and distribution of goods and ensure that the right products are delivered to the right location on time and at a good cost.
Warehouse worker: Warehouse workers execute the accurate handling, packing and storage of materials in a warehouse. They receive goods, label them, check quality, store the goods and document any damage. Warehouse workers also monitor stock levels of items, keep inventory and ship goods.

Optional knowledge

Goods transported from warehouse facilities is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this knowledge may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Warehouse order picker: Warehouse order pickers prepare orders manually. They pick up orders and bring them to the delivery platform for processing, or in the trade sector to allow customers to pick them up. They are expected to complete orders for shipment, keeping in mind the quantity and type of goods specified and meeting quality criteria established by the company. They also assemble various types of merchandise for shipment and transport orders to shipping locations as specified by a supervisor. They typically stack bundled articles on pallet by hand, are responsible for wrapping articles on the pallet to secure them while moving, and for ensuring the integrity of the pallet.




  1. Goods transported from warehouse facilities – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022