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Career Guidance S3.3 - protecting and enforcing S3.3.2 - complying with environmental protection laws and standards Pollution at sea prevention
Organize and monitor environment protection applying the regulations for pollution prevention at sea.
Alternative labels
preventing pollution at sea
pollution of sea preventing
apply the regulations for pollution prevention at sea
regulations for pollution prevention at sea applying
preventing pollution of sea
prevent pollution of sea
apply pollution prevention at sea regulations
applying the regulations for pollution prevention at sea
applying pollution prevention at sea regulations
pollution at sea preventing
Skill type
Skill reusability level
Essential knowledge of
Essential skill of
Fisheries boatman
Fisheries assistant engineer
Fisheries master
Fisheries boatmaster
Optional knowledge of
Optional skill of
Mechanical engineer
Environmental policy officer
Coastguard watch officer
Marine engineer
Marine chief engineer
Last updated on April 3, 2022