Advise on manufacturing problems


Advise the visited industrial plants on how to better oversee production to ensure that the manufacturing problems are correctly diagnosed and solved.

Alternative labels

give advice on manufacturing problems
giving of advice on manufacturing problems
giving advice on manufacturing problems
manufacturing problems advising
advising about manufacturing problems
advising on manufacturing problems
manufacturing problems advice giving

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Advise on manufacturing problems is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Process engineering technician: Process engineering technicians work closely with engineers to evaluate the existing processes and configure manufacturing systems to reduce cost, improve sustainability and develop best practices within the production process.
Manufacturing engineer: Manufacturing engineers design manufacturing processes for different kinds of production processes. They integrate those specificities and constraints posed by the industry or the product being produced with general and wide-spread manufacturing engineering principles into the design and planification of manufacturing processes.
Industrial engineering technician: Industrial engineering technicians assist industrial engineers in improving efficiency, safety and productivity in manufacturing plants. They conduct production studies, prepare layouts for machinery and equipment and suggest solutions to remedy quality problems.
Biochemical engineer: Biochemical engineers research on the field of life science striving for new discoveries. They convert those findings into chemical solutions that can improve the wellbeing of society such as vaccines, tissue repair, crops improvement and green technologies advances such as cleaner fuels from natural resources.

Optional skill

Advise on manufacturing problems is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Production engineering technician: Production engineering technicians plan production, follow up production processes and develop and test solutions to solve technical problems. They work closely with engineers and technologists, inspect products, conduct tests, conduct tests collect data.
Industrial engineer: Industrial engineers design a vast array of production systems aiming to present efficient and effective solutions. They integrate a varied number of variables such as workers, technology, ergonomics, production flows, and product specifications for the design and implementation of production systems. They can specify and design for microsystems as well.
Chemistry technician: Chemistry technicians monitor chemical processes and conduct tests to analyse chemical substances for manufacturing or scientific purposes. They work in laboratories or production facilities where they assist chemists in their work. Chemistry technicians perform laboratory activities, test chemical substances, analyse data and report about their work.
Bioengineer: Bioengineers combine state of the art findings in the field of biology with engineering logics in order to develop solutions aimed at improving the well-being of society. They can develop improvement systems for natural resource conservation, agriculture, food production, genetic modification, and economic use.
Industrial quality manager: Industrial quality managers monitor and control information assets by detailing processes and procedures to ensure compliance with industrial standards. They perform audits in industrial processes, advise on preventive and corrective actions, and ensure compliance with industrial standards.




  1. Advise on manufacturing problems – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022