Design automation components


Design engineering parts, assemblies, products, or systems that contribute to the automation of industrial machines.

Alternative labels

automation component designing
automation components designing
design automation systems
designing automation components
automation systems designing
designing automation systems
automation system designing

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Design automation components is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Robotics engineer: Robotics engineers design and develop robotic devices and applications in combination with mechanical engineering principles. They use pre-established designs and current developments for improving or inventing systems, machinery and equipment. They combine several knowledge fields such as computing, engineering, and electronics in the development of new engineering applications.
Mechatronics engineer: Mechatronics engineers design and develop intelligent systems, such as robotic devices, smart home appliances, and aeroplanes, through combining technologies from mechanical, electronic, computer, and control engineering. They create blueprints or design documents for parts, assemblies or finished products using software programs, and also oversee and manage projects.
Automation engineer: Automation engineers research, design, and develop applications and systems for the automation of the production process. They implement technology and reduce, whenever applicable, human input to reach the full potential of industrial robotics. Automation engineers oversee the process and ensure all systems run safely and smoothly.

Optional skill

Design automation components is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Steam engineer: Steam engineers provide energy and utilities to facilities, such as steam, heat and refrigeration. They operate and maintain equipment such as boilers and air compressors, and research and develop new methods and improvements for the provision of utilities.
Industrial engineer: Industrial engineers design a vast array of production systems aiming to present efficient and effective solutions. They integrate a varied number of variables such as workers, technology, ergonomics, production flows, and product specifications for the design and implementation of production systems. They can specify and design for microsystems as well.
Mechanical engineer: Mechanical engineers research, plan and design mechanical products and systems and supervise the fabrication, operation, application, installation and repair of systems and products. They research and analyse data.
Computer-aided design operator: Computer-aided design operators use computer hardware and software in order to add the technical dimensions to computer aided design drawings. Computer-aided design operators ensure all additional aspects of the created images of products are accurate and realistic. They also calculate the amount of materials needed to manufacture the products. Later the finalised digital design is processed by computer-aided manufacturing machines that produce the finished product.
Energy engineer: Energy engineers design new, efficient and clean ways to produce, transform, and distribute energy to improve environmental sustainability and energy efficiency. They extract energy through natural resources, such as oil or gas, or renewable and sustainable sources, such as wind or solar power. 
Civil engineer: Civil engineers design, plan, and develop technical and engineering specifications for infrastructure and construction projects. They apply engineering knowledge in a vast array of projects, from the construction of infrastructure for transportation, housing projects, and luxury buildings, to the construction of natural sites. They design plans that seek to optimise materials and integrate specifications and resource allocation within the time constraints.
Nuclear engineer: Nuclear engineers plan and design engineering equipment and processes in nuclear plants and sites. They engage in engineering activities pertaining to nuclear power plants, and develop risk solutions.




  1. Design automation components – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022