Inspire enthusiasm for nature


Spark a passion for the natural character of fauna and flora and human interaction with it.

Alternative labels

inspiring enthusiasm for nature
engender enthusiasm for nature
awaken enthusiasm for nature
inspires enthusiasm for nature

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Inspire enthusiasm for nature is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Survival instructor: Survival instructors guide groups into vast, natural areas, and assist them in a self-directed instruction of basic survival needs without any comfort facilities or modern gear to fall back on. They coach the participants into mastering survival skills such as fire making, producing primitive equipment, shelter construction and procurement of water and nourishment. They ensure the participants are aware of certain safety measures without diminishing the level of adventure, of environment protection and of risk management. They encourage efforts of leadership from the group and mentor the participants individually so as to push their limits responsibly and help overcome potential fears.

Optional skill

Inspire enthusiasm for nature is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Park guide: Park guides assist visitors, interpret cultural and natural heritage and provide information and guidance to tourists in parks such as wildlife, amusement and nature parks.
Outdoor activities instructor: Outdoor activities instructors organise and lead recreational outdoor trips through which the participants learn skills such as hiking, climbing, skiing, snowboarding, canoeing, rafting, rope course climbing etc. They also provide team-building exercises and activity workshops for disadvantaged participants. They ensure the safety of the participants and the equipment and explain safety measures for the participants to understand themselves as well. Outdoor activities instructors should be prepared to deal with the consequences of bad weather conditions, accidents and should responsibly manage possible anxiety from participants concerning certain activities.
Guides assist individuals or groups on any art facility, travel or sightseeing tours or through places of touristic interest, such as museums, monuments and public places. They help people to interpret the cultural heritage of an object, place or area and provide information and guidance.




  1. Inspire enthusiasm for nature – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022