Perform underwater investigations


Perform investigative activities, searches, or rescue missions underwater by using diving equipment and complying with safety regulations.

Alternative labels

implement underwater investigations
implement underwater examinations
complete underwater investigations
undertake underwater examinations
undertake underwater investigations
complete underwater examinations

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Perform underwater investigations is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Optional skill

Perform underwater investigations is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Archaeologist: Archaeologists research and study past civilisations and settlements through collecting and inspecting material remains. They analyse and draw conclusions on a wide array of matters such as hierarchy systems, linguistics, culture, and politics based on the study of objects, structures, fossils, relics, and artifacts left behind by these peoples. Archaeologists utilise various interdisciplinary methods such as stratigraphy, typology, 3D analysis, mathematics, and modelling.
Police officer: Police officers use investigation methods to prevent crime, to pursue and apprehend criminals, and protect the public from violent and criminal activities. They perform surveillance and patrol activities to prevent crimes and apprehend offenders. They provide support to victimised parties and the public at large, and fulfil administrative duties.
Police trainer: Police trainers train probationary, new academy recruits, or cadets, and seasoned veterans on the theory and practice necessary to become a police officer. They conduct theoretical lectures on academic subjects such as law, government regulations, community relations and human diversity. Police academy instructors also provide more hands-on, practical instruction regarding physical training, the care of firearms, first aid, self defensive tactics and vehicle operations. They also prepare and develop lesson plans and new training programmes as new law enforcement-related regulations and issues arise. The instructors monitor the students’ progress, evaluate them individually and prepare performance evaluation reports.




  1. Perform underwater investigations – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022