Speak in public


Address a group of listeners in a structured, deliberate manner to inform, influence or convince them.

Alternative labels

converse in public
speack publicly
utter in public
communicate in public
voice in public

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Speak in public is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Spokesperson: Spokespeople speak on behalf of companies or organisations. They use communication strategies to represent clients through public announcements and conferences. They promote their clients in a positive light and work to increase an understanding of their activities and interests.
Public relations officer: Public relations officers represent a company or organisation to stakeholders and the public. They use communications strategies to promote an understanding of the activities and image of their clients in a favourable way.
Business coach: Business coaches guide employees of a company or other institution in order to improve their personal effectiveness, increase their job satisfaction, and positively impact their career development in the business setting. They do this by leading the coachee (the person who is being coached) to resolution of their challenges by their own means. Business coaches aim to address specific tasks or reach specific goals, as opposed to overall development.
Special-interest groups’ official: Special-interest groups’ officials represent and act on behalf of special-interest groups such as trade unions, employer organisations, trade and industry associations, sports associations and humanitarian organisations. They develop policies and ensure their implementation. Special-interest groups’ officials speak for their members in negotiations about topics such as working conditions and safety.

Optional skill

Speak in public is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Activism officer: Activism officers promote or hinder social, political, economic or environmental change by using different tactics such as persuasive research, media pressure or public campaigning.




  1. Speak in public – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022