Early career quiz

Early career quiz

Photo of an early career worker

You are an early career worker and struggle to find your career path? That is understandable, it can sometimes be difficult. Either because you don’t have enough information to make up your mind, or because you have so much conflicting information.

So we’ve designed the quiz below, to help you find some inspiration in your career choices.

This quiz is particularly useful if you are in one of the following situations:
– you are a student, and need to choose your field of study but you have no ideas
– you have little or no significant work experience
– you are experienced, but are considering or have undergone a radical career change, unrelated to your previous activity

Before starting

This quiz is based on an algorithm currently in beta version. We may use your answers to this quiz for analysis and improvement purposes.

We strongly suggest that you consult the Jinn Career Encyclopedia before answering the questions. There are many skills, knowledge, attitudes and values you can choose from, and your choices will determine the job suggestions you will get.

Are you ready?