Attend read-through


Attend the organised reading of the script, where the actors, director, producers, and scriptwriters read the script thoroughly.

Alternative labels

participate in read-through
attending read-through
listen to read-through
join read-through
attend read-throughs

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Attend read-through is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Prompter: Prompters prompt or cue performers when they forget their lines or neglect to move to the right position on the stage.

Optional skill

Attend read-through is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Audio describer: Audio describers depict orally what happens on the screen or on stage for the blind and visually impaired so that they can enjoy audio-visual shows, live performances or sports events. They produce audio description scripts for programmes and events and use their voice to record them.
Video and motion picture director: Video and motion picture directors are responsible for the overall production of a movie or television program. They edit and translate the script into audiovisual images. Video and motion picture directors supervise and manage the film crew. They convey their creative vision on the actors, audio and video equipment operators, lighting technicians, etc and direct them. Video and motion picture directors also supervise the editing of the footage.
Actor/actress: Actors/actresses play roles and parts on live stage performances, TV, radio, video, motion picture productions, or other settings for entertainment or instruction. They use body language (gestures and dancing) and voice (speech and singing) in order to present the character or story according to the script, following the guidelines of a director.
Video and motion picture producer: Video and motion picture producers supervise the entire production of a movie or television programme. They select the scripts that will be turned into motion pictures or series. Video and motion picture producers find the financial means to make a movie or television series. They have the final decision on the whole project, from development and editing to distribution. During large-scale productions, video and motion picture producers can be part of a team of producers and may be responsible for some of these tasks.
Producer: Producers are responsible for managing the production of music, motion pictures or series. They plan and coordinate all aspects of the production such as the direction, publication and financing. Producers oversee the production and manage all technical and logistic aspects of recording and editing.
Assistant video and motion picture director: Assistant video and motion picture directors are responsible for the organisation, scheduling and planning of the cast, crew and activities on a set. They assist the video and motion picture directors, maintain budgets and ensure that all production activities go according to schedule.
Voice-over artist: Voice-over artists perform the dialogues of animated television or movie characters. They empathise with their characters and make them come alive with their voice.
Script writer: Script writers create scripts for motion pictures or television series. They write a detailed story that consists of plot, characters, dialogue and physical environment.




  1. Attend read-through – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022