K051 - biological and related sciences

Child Topics

K0511 - biology

K0511 - biology

Biology is the study of the structure, function, reproduction, growth, evolution and behaviour of all living organisms. Programmes and qualifications with the following main content are classified here: Biology Botany Cell biology Entomology Genetics Mycology Zoology === Exclusions Study of environmental sciences, which is the study of the relation between living organisms and the environment, is excluded from this detailed field and included in detailed field 0521 ‘Environmental sciences’. Study of chemical processes in living organisms (biochemistry, toxicology, pharmacology etc.) is excluded from this detailed field and included in detailed field 0512 ‘Biochemistry’.
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    K0512 - biochemistry

    K0512 - biochemistry

    Description Biochemistry, sometimes called Biological chemistry, is the study of the chemistry of living organisms, including but not limited to, living matter. Programmes and qualifications with the following main content are classified here: Biological chemistry Cell technology Forensic sciences Genetic code (DNA, RNA) studies Genetic engineering Pharmacology Tissue culture technology Toxicology Virology === Inclusions Biotechnology is included here.
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