S1.5.7 - advising on business or operational matters
- Advise aircraft in hazardous conditions
- Advise architects
- Advise food industry
- Advise on beer production
- Advise on conflict management
- Advise on efficiency improvements
- Advise on grape quality improvement
- Advise on irrigation projects
- Advise on livestock productivity
- Advise on machine maintenance
- Advise on mine development
- Advise on mine production
- Advise on organisation climate
- Advise on personnel management
- Advise on social enterprise
- Advise on the causes of crop disorders
- Advise on the selection of security staff
- Advise on timber harvest
- Advise on trial strategies
- Advise on use of land
- Advise on waste management procedures
- Advise superiors on military operations
- Assist landscape projects
- Help grant recipient
- Provide advice to farmers
- Provide expertise on tanker operations
- Recommend market-related measures