S2.9.0 - monitoring developments in area of expertise
- Adapt developed game to the market
- Adapt instruction to labour market
- Adapt to new design materials
- Analyse cultural trends
- Analyse marketplace competition in rental industry
- Analyse trends in the food and beverage industries
- Anticipate change in car technology
- Apply development process to footwear design
- Apply fashion trends to footwear and leather goods
- Conduct regular aviation research
- Follow research on special needs education
- Follow trends in sporting equipment
- Identify emerging issues in humanitarian area
- Integrate scientific findings into music therapy practice
- Interpret current data
- Keep competences about irrigation systems up-to-date
- Keep up to date on costume design
- Keep up to date on local events
- Keep up to date on product knowledge
- Keep up to date on professional dance practice
- Keep up to date with diagnostic innovations
- Keep up to date with subject knowledge
- Keep up with current trends in psychotherapy
- Keep up with digital transformation of industrial processes
- Keep up with innovations in food manufacturing
- Keep up with language evolution
- Keep up with the latest information systems solutions
- Keep up with trends
- Keep up with trends in eating out
- Keep up-to-date on manufacturer's policies
- Keep up-to-date to computer trends
- Keep up-to-date to current customs regulations
- Keep up-to-date to design industry trends
- Keep up-to-date with regulations
- Keep updated on innovations in various business fields
- Keep updated on the political landscape
- Learn about customer service
- Maintain updated professional knowledge
- Manage sales channels
- Monitor art scene developments
- Monitor aviation growth trends
- Monitor banking sector development
- Monitor developments in field of expertise
- Monitor developments in technology used for design
- Monitor developments used for food industry
- Monitor educational developments
- Monitor exhibition designs
- Monitor ICT research
- Monitor legislation developments
- Monitor media industry research figures
- Monitor political conflicts
- Monitor regulations in social services
- Monitor technology trends
- Monitor textile manufacturing developments
- Monitor trends in interior design
- Research welding techniques
- Seek innovation in current practices
- Specialise in an area of history
- Stay abreast of wine trends
- Stay up to date with social media
- Stay up-to-date with current events
- Stay up-to-date with fashion trends in hair style
- Stay up-to-date with latest book releases
- Stay up-to-date with music and video releases
- Strive for nutritional improvement of food manufacturing
- Take advantage of learning opportunities in veterinary science
- Undertake continuous professional development in fishery operations
- Undertake continuous professional development in social work
- Use new technologies in food manufacturing
- Vehicle trends
- Watch food product trends