S3.2.0 - providing health care or medical treatments
- Apply first response
- Apply health sciences
- Apply medical first aid in case of emergency
- Apply medical first aid on board ship
- Contribute to continuity of health care
- Contribute to practice innovation in health care
- Develop chiropractic services
- Develop patient treatment strategies
- Dispense corrective lenses
- Formulate a case conceptualisation model for therapy
- Handle medical emergencies without doctor
- Immobilise patients for emergency intervention
- Operate in a specific field of nursing care
- Perform orthopaedic examinations
- Perform pathology consultations
- Prepare examination room for radiation treatment
- Respond to healthcare users' extreme emotions
- Take referrals for genetic testing
- Test visual acuity
- Undertake post-examination activities
- Use e-health and mobile health technologies