S6.1.2 - marking materials or objects for identification
- Apply cross-reference tools for product identification
- Assign codes to product items
- Assist tree identification
- Change shelf labels
- Check in luggage
- Check price accuracy on the shelf
- Handle radiopharmaceuticals
- Identify abrasives types
- Identify cloth items
- Identify construction materials from blueprints
- Identity aquaculture species
- Label belts
- Label blood samples
- Label components
- Label foodstuffs
- Label medical laboratory samples
- Label samples
- Label stamps
- Mark designs on metal pieces
- Mark differences in colours
- Mark film reels
- Mark lumber
- Mark migrating fish
- Mark processed workpiece
- Mark stone workpieces
- Organise wires
- Pick orders for dispatching
- Prepare prescription labels
- Put up price tags
- Snap chalk line
- Trace meat products
- Use warehouse marking tools