S6.9.1 - tending and breeding animals
- Assess the footcare requirements of the equid
- Assist animal birth
- Attach horseshoes
- Breed stock
- Care for horses
- Care for juvenile animals
- Care for the flock
- Catch poultry on a farm
- Control livestock disease
- Determine the sex of the animal
- Handle animals for semen collection
- Handle honeycombs
- Handle poultry
- Handle working animals
- Maintain silk worm breeding room
- Maintain welfare of animals during transportation
- Manage animal hygiene
- Manage animal welfare
- Manage cattle breeding
- Manage dog breeding
- Manage duck breeding
- Manage geese breeding
- Manage goat breeding
- Manage horse breeding
- Manage insect breeding
- Manage livestock
- Manage ostrich breeding
- Manage pig breeding
- Manage poultry breeding
- Manage rabbit breeding
- Manage reptile breeding
- Manage selection of breeding stock
- Manage sheep breeding
- Manage snail breeding
- Manage the health and welfare of livestock
- Manage turkey breeding
- Milk animals
- Monitor livestock
- Operate dairy farms
- Organise shearing
- Provide an enriching environment for animals
- Provide care for horses
- Provide dog walking services
- Provide first aid to animals
- Provide opportunities for animals to express natural behaviour
- Provide pet sitting services in owners' homes
- Raise hens
- Safely interact with animals
- Shearing of wool
- Understand the animal's situation
- Work with veterinarians