Carry out maintenance of aquaculture equipment


Maintain aquaculture equipment and identify equipment needs. Carry out routine maintenance and minor repairs as needed.

Alternative labels

aquaculture equipment maintaining
carry out maintenance of aquaculture equipment
maintain aquaculture equipment
maintaining aquaculture equipment
carrying out maintenance of aquaculture equipment
maintenance of aquaculture equipment carrying out

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Carry out maintenance of aquaculture equipment is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Water-based aquaculture technician: Water-based aquaculture technicians coordinate and supervise activities on fattening aquaculture organisms in suspended systems (floating or submerged structures). They participate in extraction operations and handling organisms for commercialisation. Water-based aquaculture technicians supervise maintenance of equipment and facilities (cages, rafts, longlines, bouchot).
Aquaculture husbandry worker: Aquaculture husbandry workers are active in the production of aquatic organisms in land-based on-growing processes. They assist in the process of raising organisms through all stages of their life cycle.
Aquaculture husbandry technician: Aquaculture husbandry technicians operate in aquatic organisms’ production, specialising in the husbandry of ongrowing culture processes, especially in feeding and stock management.
Aquaculture hatchery technician: Aquaculture hatchery technicians operate and control all aspects of the hatchery production processes, from broodstock management to pregrowing juveniles.

Optional skill

Carry out maintenance of aquaculture equipment is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.




  1. Carry out maintenance of aquaculture equipment – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022