Communicate through the help of an interpreter to facilitate verbal communication and cultural mediation.
Alternative labels
communicate using an interpreter in social services
talk by use of interpretation in social services
talk through translator in social work
talk through an interpreter in social services
communicate through an interpreter in social services
communicate using interpretation in social services
converse by use of interpretation in social services
Skill type
Skill reusability level
Relationships with occupations
Essential skill
Communicate by use of interpretation in social services is an essential skill of the following occupations:
Optional skill
Communicate by use of interpretation in social services is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.
Social worker: Social workers are practice-based professionals who promote social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. They interact with individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities in order to provide various forms of therapy and counselling, group work, and community work. Social workers guide people to use services to claim benefits, access community resources, find jobs and training, obtain legal advice or deal with other local authority departments.
Social counsellor: Social counsellors provide support and guidance to individuals in the social work area, to help them solve specific problems in their personal life. It involves addressing personal and relationship issues, dealing with inner conflicts, crisis moments such as depression and addiction, in an attempt to empower individuals to achieve change and improve their life quality.
Social care worker: Social care workers provide support and help people with care services. They help people to live full and valued lives in the community. They assist babies, young children, adolescents, adults and older adults.They attend to the psychological, social, emotional and physical needs of service users. They work in a large variety of settings with individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities.
Disability support worker: Disability support workers provide personal assistance and support to individuals of all ages with disability conditions, either intellectual or physical disabilities. They work with other health professionals to maximise individuals physical and mental well being. Their duties include bathing, lifting, moving, dressing or feeding people with disability.
Social services manager: Social services managers have the responsibility for strategic and operational leadership and management of staff teams and resources within and or across social services. They are responsible for the implementation of legislation and policies relating to, for example, decisions about vulnerable people. They promote social work and social care values and ethics, equality and diversity, and relevant codes guiding practice. They are responsible for liaising with other professionals in criminal justice, education and health. They can be responsible for contributing to local and national policy development.
Social pedagogue: Social pedagogues provide care, support, and education to children and young persons with different backgrounds or capabilities. They develop educational processes for young persons to be in charge of their own experiences, using a multi-disciplinary approach set to the learning experience. Social pedagogues contribute to the individuals’ learning, welfare, and societal inclusion, and put an emphasis on building self-reliance.