Cut stair carriages


Make cuts in a plank of solid wood to carry stair treads and risers. Take measurements and calculations into account to make markings on the carriage with a steel square. Cut the carriage using a power saw or hand saw.

Alternative labels

make stair carriages
cut stair framing
cutting stair carriages
stair carriage cutting
making stair carriages
cut support beam
cut string
stair carriage making
cutting of stair carriages
making of stair carriages

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Cut stair carriages is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Optional skill

Cut stair carriages is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Staircase installer: Staircase installers put in place standard or custom designed staircases between the various levels in buildings. They take the necessary measurements, prepare the site, and install the staircase safely.
House builder: House builders construct, maintain and repair houses or similar small buildings using a range of techniques and materials of several construction building workers.




  1. Cut stair carriages – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022