Develop zoonotic disease control policies


Carry out research and elaborate policies, guidelines, and strategies for the control of zoonotic and foodborne diseases.

Alternative labels

elaborate zoonoses control policy
develop control strategies against zoonotic and foodborne diseases
develop zoonotic disease control guidelines
develop zoonotic and foodborne disease control policies
establish zoonoses control policy
elaborate zoonotic disease control policies
establish zoonotic disease control policies
develop zoonotic disease control strategies

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Develop zoonotic disease control policies is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Zoo curator: Zoo curators are usually the position of middle-management within an institution. Much of their work involves oversight, management and development of the animal collection. Often this is related to animal husbandry and welfare policy, the acquisition and disposition of zoo animals, and development of new exhibits. Zoos normally acquire animals through captive breeding programs. The zoo collection, trade, and transport of the animals is regulated by government agencies as well as guided by zoo membership organisations. Consequently, zoo curators act as a liaison between these agencies and the zoo itself. Additionally, they play an active role in the administration of zoo functions and all kinds of captive breeding programs.
Official veterinarian: Official veterinarians are professionals with a comprehensive scientific education. They have the authority to carry out, in an independent, ethical and personally responsible capacity all veterinary activities with particular focus on the health and welfare of animals and public health in accordance with national and international legislation. They are responsible for national animal disease eradication programmes, the protection of public health and food or animal inspection, animal movements, and import and export of live animals and their products.

Optional skill

Develop zoonotic disease control policies is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.




  1. Develop zoonotic disease control policies – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022