The procedures of pre-hospital care for medical emergencies, such as first aid, resuscitation techniques, legal and ethical issues, patient assessment, trauma emergencies.
Alternative labels
first responder
first aid care
first aid
resuscitation techniques
first aid response
Skill type
Skill reusability level
Relationships with occupations
Essential knowledge
First response is an essential knowledge of the following occupations:
Home care aide: Home care aides provide personal assistance and promote autonomy, on a daily basis to individuals who are unable to take care of themselves due to illness, ageing or disability. They assist them with personal hygiene, feeding, communication or medication according to the health care professional’s instructions.
Police officer: Police officers use investigation methods to prevent crime, to pursue and apprehend criminals, and protect the public from violent and criminal activities. They perform surveillance and patrol activities to prevent crimes and apprehend offenders. They provide support to victimised parties and the public at large, and fulfil administrative duties.
Rescue centre manager: Rescue centre managers supervise operations of a rescue centre, performing administrative duties and supervision of staff. They ensure that the centre operates according to policies and staff perform rescue missions in a safe, efficient and compliant manner.
Chief fire officer: Chief fire officers supervise a fire department. They coordinate the operations of the department, and supervise and lead the fire and rescue staff during firefighting and rescue activities to ensure the safety of the staff and limitation of risks. They perform administrative duties to ensure record maintenance, and implement policies to improve the department’s operations.
Coastguard watch officer: Coastguard watch officers patrol and survey coast and sea regions to prevent accidents, as well as perform search and rescue missions in the event of an emergency. They react to emergency calls, advise on safety procedures, and prevent accidents and illegal activity at sea. Coastguard watch officers investigate shipping activities and aid during pollution incidents and in flood relief.
Optional knowledge
First response is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this knowledge may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.
Police commissioner: Police commissioners supervise an entire police department by monitoring and regulating the administrative and operational activities of a police department, as well as developing policies and procedural methods. They are responsible for the cooperation between the various divisions in the department, and overseeing the employees’ performance.
Police detective: Police detectives gather and compile evidence which assists them in the solution of crimes. They use investigative techniques to gather evidence, and interview all parties connected to their line of enquiry, and cooperate with other police department divisions to gather the evidence.
Street warden: Street wardens patrol designated areas to ensure a sense of security with the public, and provide general support. They monitor suspicious behaviour and cooperate with the police and other local institutions to maintain the community’s safety and well-being, and enforce law and issue penalties when necessary.
Emergency response coordinator: Emergency response coordinators analyse potential risks such as disasters and emergencies for a community or institution and develop a strategy for reacting to these risks. They outline guidelines for the response to an emergency in order to decrease the effects. They educate the parties at risk on these guidelines. They also test response plans and ensure that the necessary supplies and equipments are in place in compliance with health and safety regulations.
Civil enforcement officer: Civil enforcement officers patrol the streets to enforce parking restrictions, ensure a free flow of traffic is maintained, ensure the safety of pedestrians, and ensure traffic and parking laws are complied with. They aid with the combating of crime and crime reduction by providing assistance during incidents and providing patrol services.
Social services manager: Social services managers have the responsibility for strategic and operational leadership and management of staff teams and resources within and or across social services. They are responsible for the implementation of legislation and policies relating to, for example, decisions about vulnerable people. They promote social work and social care values and ethics, equality and diversity, and relevant codes guiding practice. They are responsible for liaising with other professionals in criminal justice, education and health. They can be responsible for contributing to local and national policy development.
Fire inspector: Fire inspectors conduct inspections of buildings and properties to ensure they are compliant with fire prevention and safety regulations, and enforce the regulations in facilities which are not compliant. They also perform educational activities, educating the public on fire safety and prevention methods, policies, and disaster response.
Bodyguard: Bodyguards offer protection to their clients against injury, attacks and harassment. They accompany individuals such as politicians and actors to various events and gatherings. Bodyguards observe the surrounding environment, anticipate threats and respond to security emergencies. They may carry and use guns.
- First response – ESCO