Hardware architectures


The designs laying out the physical hardware components and their interconnections.

Alternative labels

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential knowledge

Hardware architectures is an essential knowledge of the following occupations:

Computer hardware engineering technician: Computer hardware engineering technicians collaborate with computer hardware engineers in the development of computer hardware, such as motherboards, routers, and microprocessors. Computer hardware engineering technicians are responsible for building, testing, monitoring, and maintaining the developed computer technology.
Aviation ground systems engineer: Aviation ground systems engineers are in charge of supervising the maintenance of the equipment of the airport, for example, the visual aids, airport electrical systems, luggage systems, security systems, pavements, drainage, maintenance of unpaved areas and equipment and vehicles.
Computer software and multimedia shop manager: Computer software and multimedia shop managers assume responsibility for activities and staff in specialised shops.
Computer hardware engineer: Computer hardware engineers design and develop computer hardware systems and components, such as circuit boards, modems, and printers. They draught blueprints and assembly drawings, develop and test the prototypes, and supervise the production process.
Computer hardware test technician: Computer hardware test technicians conduct testing of computer hardware such as circuit boards, computer chips, computer systems, and other electronic and electrical components. They analyse the hardware configuration and test the hardware reliability and conformance to specifications.
Computer shop manager: Computer shop managers assume responsibility for activities and staff in specialised shops.

Optional knowledge

Hardware architectures is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this knowledge may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Digital forensics expert: Digital forensics experts retrieve and analyse information from computers and other types of data storage devices. They examine digital media that may have been hidden, encrypted or damaged, in a forensic manner with the aim to identify, preserve, recover, analyse and present facts and opinions about the digital information.
ICT disaster recovery analyst: ICT disaster recovery analysts develop, maintain, and implement ICT continuity and disaster recovery strategies and solutions. They support the technical teams, assess the risks, design and develop procedures, documentation and strategies for disaster recovery in order for business functions to continue and recover with a minimal loss of data. They also coordinate the system backups tests and validations.
Embedded system designer: Embedded system designers translate and design requirements and the high-level plan or architecture of an embedded control system according to technical software specifications.
Electrical engineer: Electrical engineers design and develop electrical systems, electrical equipment, components, motors, and equipment with the feature of energy transmission. They engage in large scale projects such as the design and maintenance of power stations, and the distribution of power to smaller applications such as household appliances.
System configurator: System configurators tailor a computer system to the organisation’s and users’ needs. They adjust the base system and software to the needs of the customer. They perform configuration activities and scripting and ensure communication with users.
ICT system analyst: ICT system analysts specify the system needs to meet the end user requirements. They analyse system functions in order to define their goals or purposes and to discover operations and procedures for accomplishing them most efficiently. They also design new IT solutions to improve business efficiency and productivity, produce outline designs and estimate costs of new systems, specify the operations the system will perform, and the way data will be viewed by the end user. They present the design to the users and work closely with the users to implement the solution.
Database developer: Database developers program, implement and coordinate changes to computer databases based on their expertise of database management systems.




  1. Hardware architectures – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022