Provide information in the community about the risks and dangers of substance and alcohol abuse.
Alternative labels
inform on risks of substance and alcohol abuse
educate on risks of substance and alcohol abuse
inform on risks of abusive substance and alcohol consumption
inform on risks related to substance and alcohol abuse
Skill type
Skill reusability level
Relationships with occupations
Essential skill
Inform on the risks of substance and alcohol abuse is an essential skill of the following occupations:
Substance misuse worker: Substance misuse workers provide assistance and counselling to people with substance abuse problems. They monitor their progress, advocate for them, and performe crisis interventions and group therapy. They also assist patients dealing with the consequences of tobacco, alcohol or recreational drugs abuse, which can be problematics as unemployment, physical or mental disorders and poverty.
Optional skill
Inform on the risks of substance and alcohol abuse is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.
Social worker: Social workers are practice-based professionals who promote social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. They interact with individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities in order to provide various forms of therapy and counselling, group work, and community work. Social workers guide people to use services to claim benefits, access community resources, find jobs and training, obtain legal advice or deal with other local authority departments.
Social counsellor: Social counsellors provide support and guidance to individuals in the social work area, to help them solve specific problems in their personal life. It involves addressing personal and relationship issues, dealing with inner conflicts, crisis moments such as depression and addiction, in an attempt to empower individuals to achieve change and improve their life quality.
Drug and alcohol addiction counsellor: Drug and alcohol addiction counsellors provide assistance and counselling to individuals and families dealing with drug and alcohol addictions, monitoring their progress, advocating for them, performing crisis interventions and group therapy. They also assist the persons with the consequences of their addictions which can be unemployment, physical or mental disorders and poverty. Drug and alcohol addiction counsellors may also prepare educational programs for high-risk populations.
Crisis helpline operator: Crisis helpline operators provide advice and support to distraught callers via the telephone. They have to deal with a diverse range of issues such as abuse, depression and financial problems. Helpline operators maintain records of the phone calls according to regulations and privacy policies.
Community health worker: Community health workers provide advice and information about various health subjects to the community. They can assist with pre- and post-natal care, give nutritional advice and help individuals stop smoking. Community health workers develop health and prevention programmes.