The computer language LESS is a style sheet language that conveys the presentation of structured documents. These documents have to adhere to style sheets, a set of stylistic rules such as font, color and layout.
Alternative labels
Skill type
Skill reusability level
Relationships with occupations
Essential knowledge
LESS is an essential knowledge of the following occupations:
Optional knowledge
LESS is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this knowledge may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.
User interface developer: User interface developers implement, code, document and maintain the interface of a software system by using front-end development technologies.
Technical communicator: Technical communicators prepare clear, concise and professional communication from product developers to users of the products such as online help, user manuals, white papers, specifications and industrial videos. For this, they analyse products, legal requirements, markets, customers and users. They develop information and media concepts, standards, structures and software tool support. They plan the content creation and media production processes, develop written, graphical, video or other contents, generate media output, release their information products and receive feedback from the users.
E-learning architect: E-learning architects establish goals and procedures for the application of learning technologies within an organisation and the creation of an infrastructure that will support these goals and procedures.
Web content manager: Web content managers curate or create content for a web platform according to the long-term strategic goals, policies and procedures for an organisation’s online content or their customers. They control and monitor compliance with standards, legal and privacy regulations and ensure web optimisation. They are also responsible for integrating the work of writers and designers to produce a final layout which is compatible with corporate standards.
Web developer: Web developers develop, implement and document web-accessible software based on the designs provided. They align the client’s web presence with its business strategy, troubleshoot software problems and issues and look for ways to improve the application.
Digital media designer: Digital media designers create and edit graphics, animations, sound, text and video to assist in the creation of integrated multimedia products. They may perform activities related to the web, social networks, augmented reality and virtual reality but exclude the production of music using physical instruments and complex software sound synthesis tools. Digital media designers may program and build websites, mobile applications and other multimedia products.
Webmaster: Webmasters deploy, maintain, monitor and support a web server to meet service requirements. They ensure optimum system integrity, security, backup and performance. They coordinate the content, quality and style of websites, execute the website strategy and update and add new features to websites.
E-learning developer: E-learning developers design and develop simpler forms of digital learning content including reference materials, slides, assessments, screen-casts, interview videos and podcasts. They write and provide content for a computer based learning application.