Thoroughly mix different types of paint manually or mechanically. Start from basic paints or from powder and mix in water or chemicals. Check the consistency of the resulting mixture.
Alternative labels
blending of paint
mixing paint manually
mixing of paint
paint blending
mixing paint
manual mixing of paint
manual paint mixing
blending paint
mixing paint mechanically
prepare paint
mechanical mixing of paint
preparation of paint
paint mixing
mechanical paint mixing
Skill type
Skill reusability level
Relationships with occupations
Essential skill
Mix paint is an essential skill of the following occupations:
Furniture finisher: Furniture finishers treat the surface of wood furniture using hand and power tools to sand, clean and polish. They apply wood coatings onto wooden surfaces by using different techniques such as brushing or using a spray gun. They choose and apply the right coatings with protective and/or decorative purposes.
Optional skill
Mix paint is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.
Construction painter: Construction painters paint the interior and exterior of buildings and other structures. They may use standard latex based paints or specialised paints for decorative effect or protective properties. Building painters are skilled in using brushes, paint rollers and paint sprayers for different applications.
Paperhanger supervisor: Paperhanger supervisors monitor the hanging of wallpaper. They assign tasks and take quick decisions to resolve problems.
Model maker: Model makers create three-dimensional scale models or various designs or concepts and for various purposes, such as models of human skeletons or organs. They also mount the models on display stands so that they can be used for their final purpose such as inclusion in education activities.
Ceiling installer: Ceiling installers install ceilings in buildings. They apply different techniques as the situation requires – for example when fire resistance is especially important, or when space is needed between the dropped ceiling and the next floor – or specialise in one.
Construction painting supervisor: Construction painting supervisors plan, direct and oversee the work of the crew of painters assigned to a certain project or location. They supervise and evaluate the work of painters.
Road marker: Road markers apply markings to roads to increase safety, indicate traffic regulations, and help road users find the way. They use different pieces of machinery to paint lines onto the road and install other markings such as reflective cat’s eyes.
Paperhanger: Paperhangers are specialised in hanging up wallpaper. They apply adhesives to the paper, or to the wall in the case of reinforced wallpaper, and fix the paper straight, well aligned, and avoiding the inclusion of air bubbles.
Transport equipment painter: Transport equipment painters use painting machines and hand tools to coat individual parts and to paint the surface of all types of transport equipment such as cars, buses, boats, aircraft, motorcycles and railway cars. They prepare the surface of the pieces for the paint and apply the coaat. Transport equipment painters can perform industrial painting or individual customisation. They may also remove or repair painting errors such as scratches.
- Mix paint – ESCO