Operate farm equipment


Supervise the smooth running of farm equipment which can include high pressure cleaning equipment, heating or air conditioning and monitor the temperature of premises. Make sure tractors and other vehicles are running smoothly. Interpret instructions given by computer programs and report simple operations.

Alternative labels

operating farm equipment
farm equipment operating
using farm equipment
farm equipment using
use farm equipment

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Operate farm equipment is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Bee breeder: Bee breeders oversee the production and day-to-day care of bees. They maintain the health and welfare of bees.
Fur animals breeder: Fur animals breeders oversee the production and day-to-day care of fur animals. They maintain the health and welfare of fur animals.
Horse breeder: Horse breeders oversee the production and day-to-day care of horses. They maintain the health and welfare of horses.
Dog breeder: Dog breeders oversee the production and day-to-day care of dogs. They maintain the health and welfare of dogs.
Farm manager: Farm managers plan and organise the daily operations, resourcing and business management of animal producing farms.
Sheep breeder: Sheep breeders oversee the production and day-to-day care of sheep. They maintain the health and welfare of sheep.
Cattle breeder: Cattle breeders oversee the production and day-to-day care of cattle. They maintain the health and welfare of cattle.
Poultry breeder: Poultry breeders oversee the production and day-to-day care of poultry. They maintain the health and welfare of poultry.
Pig breeder: Pig breeders oversee the production and day-to-day care of pigs. They maintain the health and welfare of pigs.

Optional skill

Operate farm equipment is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Livestock advisor: Livestock advisors provide complex specialist advice to farmersĀ and livestock breeders to ensure that their business and production is optimised.




  1. Operate farm equipment – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022