Operate fish capture equipment


Operate fish capture equipment, for grading, sampling or harvesting purposes.

Alternative labels

fish capture equipment using
using equipment for fish capture
operating fish capture equipment
use fish capture equipment
use equipment for fish capture
operating equipment for fish capture
fish capture equipment operating
using fish capture equipment
operate equipment for fish capture

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Operate fish capture equipment is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Deep-sea fishery worker: Deep-sea fishery workers operate on board fishing vessels to catch deep-sea fish for sale or delivery. They use equipment such as rods and nets to catch deep-sea fish according to legislation. Deep-sea fishery workers also transport, handle and preserve fish by salting, icing or freezing them.
Water-based aquaculture worker: Water-based aquaculture workers carry out manual activities in the ongrowing processes of cultured aquatic organisms in water-based suspended systems (floating or submerged structures). They participate in extraction operations and the handling of organisms for commercialisation. Water-based aquaculture workers maintain and clean facilities (nets, mooring ropes, cages)..
Aquaculture husbandry worker: Aquaculture husbandry workers are active in the production of aquatic organisms in land-based on-growing processes. They assist in the process of raising organisms through all stages of their life cycle.
Aquaculture harvesting technician: Aquaculture harvesting technicians operate the harvesting process of aquatic organisms’ production, managing the complex equipment and machinery used in the harvesting of specific cultured species.
Aquaculture harvesting worker: Aquaculture harvesting workers work in the harvesting of those aquatic organisms cultured in land-based on-growing processes.

Optional skill

Operate fish capture equipment is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Aquaculture mooring manager: Aquaculture mooring managers carry out and supervise the mooring of cages in stable stations, drifting cages or even self-propelled and semi-submerged cages. They safely operate and moor a variety of different types of large-scale cages, manage conditions such as currents, wave climate and seabed profile, in open or semi-open water areas.




  1. Operate fish capture equipment – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022