
Provide teacher support


Assist teachers in classroom instruction by providing and preparing lesson materials, monitoring the students during their work and helping them in their learning where necessary.

Alternative labels

provides teacher support
supply teacher support
make teacher support available
offer teacher support
providing teacher support

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Provide teacher support is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Primary school teaching assistant: Primary school teaching assistants provide instructional and practical support to primary school teachers. They reinforce instruction with students in need of extra attention and prepare the materials the teacher needs in class. They also perform clerical work, monitor the students’ learning progress and behaviour and supervise the students with and without the head teacher present.
Special educational needs assistant: Special educational needs assistants assist special education teachers in their classroom duties. They tend to the physical needs of students with a variety of disabilities and help out with tasks such as bathroom breaks, bus rides, eating and classroom switches. They also provide instructional support to students, teachers and parents and prepare lesson programmes. Special educational needs assistants supply support for students tailored to their specific needs, help out with challenging assignments and monitor students’ progress and classroom behaviour.
Early years teaching assistant: Early years teaching assistants support the early years teacher in an early years or nursery school. They assist in class instruction, in classroom supervision in absence of the head teacher, and in organising, developing and putting into practice of the daily schedule. Early years teaching assistants monitor and help students in group as well as individually, and tend to focus on the students in need of extra care and attention the early years teacher cannot provide.
Secondary school teaching assistant: Secondary school teaching assistants provide various support services to secondary school teachers such as instructional and practical support. They help with the preparation of lesson materials needed in class and reinforce instructions with students in need of extra attention. They also perform basic clerical duties, monitor the students’ learning progress and behaviour and supervise the students with and without the teacher present.
Assistant lecturer: Assistant lecturers share university or college lecturers’ academic workload, specifically the provision of lectures to students. They prepare and teach classes, and meet with students privately regarding evaluation. They also combine their lecturing and other academic duties with conducting their own research in their field of study. Assistant lecturers occupy an autonomous, full-time position, despite what the subservience element in the occupation title may suggest.

Optional skill

Provide teacher support is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Learning support teacher: Learning support teachers assist students who have general learning difficulties. Learning support teachers focus on basic skills such as numeracy and literacy and thus teach basic subjects such as writing, reading, math and languages and they work for an educational institution such as a primary or secondary school. They support students in their school work, plan learning strategies, identify their learning needs and progress, and act accordingly. They can work in various educational set-ups and act as support for other teachers or manage their own class.
Learning mentor: Learning mentors support underperforming students both inside and outside of the classroom in order to increase their academic success. They assist students experiencing (multiple) disadvantages, such as learning difficulties, behavioural issues, and attendance problems, and also assist gifted students who are under-challenged. They may also work with adult students in the further education system. Learning mentors develop schedules and action plans with the students in order to plan the necessary mentoring activities and monitor progress. They also liaise with the students’ teachers, educational psychologists, school social workers and, if necessary, with the student’s parents, in order to improve the student’s educational development.
Tutor: Tutors provide personalised education to the children of employers or to adults, in addition to the main education system. They help students improve their knowledge and competence of a specific subject, at their own pace. Tutors will teach their students study techniques and strategies in order to ensure their academic development and will assess the student’s progress throughout the tutoring sessions.
Special educational needs itinerant teacher: Special educational needs itinerant teachers instruct disabled or sick children in their homes. They are specialised teachers employed by (public) schools to teach those unable to physically attend school, but also to assist the student, the parents and the school in their communication. They also fulfil the function of a social school worker by helping the students and parents with a student’s potential behavioural issues and enforce, if necessary, school attendance regulations. In case of a possible physical (re)admission to school, visiting teachers advise the school regarding suitable classroom guidance strategies and advisable teaching methods to support the student and make the transition as agreeable as possible.




  1. Provide teacher support – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022