Study media sources


Study various media sources such as broadcasts, print media, and online media in order to gather inspiration for the development of creative concepts.

Alternative labels

study sources of media
study social media sources
study media development

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Study media sources is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Puppet designer: Puppet designers design and create puppets and manipulable objects for performers. Their work is based on research and artistic vision. Their design is influenced by and influences other designs and must be conform with these designs and the overall artistic vision. Therefore, the designers work closely with artistic directors, operators and the artistic team. Puppet designers make puppets and manipulable objects out of a variety of materials, and may build robotic elements into them. Puppet designers sometimes also work as autonomous artists, creating outside a performance context.
Audio describer: Audio describers depict orally what happens on the screen or on stage for the blind and visually impaired so that they can enjoy audio-visual shows, live performances or sports events. They produce audio description scripts for programmes and events and use their voice to record them.
Video and motion picture director: Video and motion picture directors are responsible for the overall production of a movie or television program. They edit and translate the script into audiovisual images. Video and motion picture directors supervise and manage the film crew. They convey their creative vision on the actors, audio and video equipment operators, lighting technicians, etc and direct them. Video and motion picture directors also supervise the editing of the footage.
Stand-in: Stand-ins replace actors before the filming starts. They perform the actions of the actors during the lighting and audiovisual setup, so everything is in the right place during the actual shooting with the actors.
Stop-motion animator: Stop-motion animators create animations by using puppets or clay models.
Animator: Animators use software to create animations, these are rapidly sequenced together images to create an illusion of movement.
Boom operator: Boom operators set up and operate the boom microphone, either by hand, on an arm or on a moving platform. They make sure that every microphone is correctly stationed on set and in the best position to capture the dialogues. Boom operators are also responsible for the microphones on the actors clothing.
Director of photography: Directors of photography are responsible for the visual interpretation of the script and all photography components of the film, including framing, colouring, lightning, style and locations. They create the visual look of the film or television programme and select the filming equipment, including the lens and filters. Directors of photography manage the visual equipment operators and lighting technicians. They work together with the video and motion picture director to achieve the desired effect.
Camera operator: Camera operators setup and operate digital film cameras to shoot domestic motion pictures or television programs. They work together with the video and motion picture director, the director of photography, or the private client. Camera operators give advice on how to shoot scenes to actors, the video and motion picture director and other camera operators.
Stunt performer: Stunt performers execute actions that are too dangerous for actors to perform, that they are not physically able to do or require specialised skills such as fight scenes, jumping from building, dancing and others.
Animation layout artist: Animation layout artists work with the cameramen and director to coordinate and create optimal 3D animation shots. They translate 2D storyboards into 3D animated shots and are responsible for camera angles, frames and lighting of animation scenes. Animation layout artists decide which action takes place in which animation scene.
Storyboard artist: Storyboard artists draw out the scenes of a motion picture or television series according to the script in order to see what will be possible during production. They work together with the producer and video and motion picture director.
Special effects artist: Special effects artists create illusions for movies, videos and computer games. They use computer software.
Voice-over artist: Voice-over artists perform the dialogues of animated television or movie characters. They empathise with their characters and make them come alive with their voice.
Cartoonist: Cartoonists draw people, objects, events, etc. in a comical or derogatory way. They exaggerate physical features and personality traits. Cartoonists also portray political, economic, cultural ans social events in a humoristic way.

Optional skill

Study media sources is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Actor/actress: Actors/actresses play roles and parts on live stage performances, TV, radio, video, motion picture productions, or other settings for entertainment or instruction. They use body language (gestures and dancing) and voice (speech and singing) in order to present the character or story according to the script, following the guidelines of a director.
Digital media designer: Digital media designers create and edit graphics, animations, sound, text and video to assist in the creation of integrated multimedia products. They may perform activities related to the web, social networks, augmented reality and virtual reality but exclude the production of music using physical instruments and complex software sound synthesis tools. Digital media designers may program and build websites, mobile applications and other multimedia products.




  1. Study media sources – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022