Train animals and individuals to work together


Train animals and individuals to work together, including the match between individuals and animals, the design of integrated training programmes for people and animals, implementation of integrated training programmes, evaluation of integrated training programmes for people and animals against agreed outcomes and evaluating the compatibility between individuals and animals in relation to physical characteristics.

Alternative labels

train animals and people to work together as one
design integrated training programmes for people and animals
evaluate compatibility between individuals and animals
implement training programmes for people and animals
train animal and person to work together as one

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Train animals and individuals to work together is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Dog trainer: Dog trainers train animals and/or dog handlers for general and specific purposes, including assistance, security, leisure, competition, transportation, obedience and routine handling, entertainment and education, in accordance with national legislation.
Horse trainer: Horse trainers train animals and/or riders for general and specific purposes, including assistance, security, leisure, competition, transportation, obedience and routine handling, entertainment and education, in accordance with national legislation.
Guide dog instructor: Guide dog instructors train dogs to be responsible in guiding blind people to travel effectively. They plan the training sessions, match guide dogs with their clients and ensure overall routine care of the training dogs. Guide dog instructors also provide advice to the blind people in the use of techniques that facilitate dog’s travel skills and mobility.
Animal behaviourist: Animal behaviourists work with animals and people to study, observe, assess and understand animal behaviour in relation to specific factors and to prevent or address inappropriate or problematic behaviours within individual animals through the development of suitable environments and management regimes, in accordance with national legislation. 
Animal trainer: Animal trainers train animals and/or animal handlers for general and specific purposes, including assistance, security, leisure, competition, transportation, obedience and routine handling, entertainment and education, in accordance with national legislation.

Optional skill

Train animals and individuals to work together is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.




  1. Train animals and individuals to work together – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022