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Armed forces occupations
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Wiki Category: 8342 - Earthmoving and related plant operators
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Attitudes and Values
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Attitudes and Values
A1.1 - adapt to change
A1.10 - manage frustration
A1.12 - manage quality
A1.13 - meet commitments
A1.14 - persist
A1.15 - work efficiently
A1.16 - work independently
A1.2 - attend to detail
A1.3 - attend to hygiene
A1.4 - cope with pressure
A1.5 - deal with uncertainty
A1.7 - demonstrate enthusiasm
A1.8 - demonstrate willingness to learn
A2.1 - demonstrate consideration
A2.2 - demonstrate good manners
A2.3 - follow ethical code of conduct
Country statistics
Education levels
0 - Early childhood education
1 - Primary education
2 - Lower secondary education
3 - Upper secondary education
4 - Post-secondary non-tertiary education
5 - Short-cycle tertiary education
6 - Bachelor's or equivalent level
7 - Master's or equivalent level
8 - Doctoral or equivalent level
agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary
K081 - agriculture
K082 - forestry
K083 - fisheries
K084 - veterinary
arts and humanities
K021 - arts
K022 - humanities (except languages)
K023 - languages
business, administration and law
K041 - business and administration
K042 - law
K011 - education
engineering, manufacturing and construction
K071 - engineering and engineering trades
K072 - manufacturing and processing
K073 - architecture and construction
K079 - engineering, manufacturing and construction not elsewhere classified
field unknown
K999 - field unknown
generic programmes and qualifications
K003 - personal skills and development
health and welfare
K091 - health
K092 - welfare
information and communication technologies (icts)
K061 - information and communication technologies (icts)
natural sciences, mathematics and statistics
K051 - biological and related sciences
K052 - environment
K053 - physical sciences
K054 - mathematics and statistics
K101 - personal services
K102 - hygiene and occupational health services
K103 - security services
K104 - transport services
social sciences, journalism and information
K031 - social and behavioural sciences
K032 - journalism and information
Language skills and knowledge
classical languages
1 - Managers
4 - Clerical support workers
41 - General and keyboard clerks
42 - Customer services clerks
43 - Numerical and material recording clerks
44 - Other clerical support workers
5 - Service and sales workers
51 - Personal service workers
52 - Sales workers
53 - Personal care workers
54 - Protective services workers
6 - Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
61 - Market-oriented skilled agricultural workers
62 - Market-oriented skilled forestry, fishery and hunting workers
7 - Craft and related trades workers
71 - Building and related trades workers, excluding electricians
72 - Metal, machinery and related trades workers
73 - Handicraft and printing workers
74 - Electrical and electronic trades workers
75 - Food processing, wood working, garment and other craft and related trades workers
8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers
81 - Stationary plant and machine operators
82 - Assemblers
83 - Drivers and mobile plant operators
9 - Elementary occupations
91 - Cleaners and helpers
92 - Agricultural, forestry and fishery labourers
93 - Labourers in mining, construction, manufacturing and transport
94 - Food preparation assistants
95 - Street and related sales and service workers
96 - Refuse workers and other elementary workers
assisting and caring
S3.0 - assisting and caring
S3.1 - counselling
S3.2 - providing health care or medical treatments
S3.3 - protecting and enforcing
S3.4 - providing information and support to the public and clients
S3.5 - preparing and serving food and drinks
S3.6 - providing general personal care
communication, collaboration and creativity
S1.0 - communication, collaboration and creativity
S1.1 - negotiating
S1.11 - designing systems and products
S1.12 - creating artistic, visual or instructive materials
S1.13 - writing and composing
S1.14 - performing and entertaining
S1.15 - using more than one language
S1.2 - liaising and networking
S1.3 - teaching and training
S1.4 - presenting information
S1.5 - advising and consulting
S1.6 - promoting, selling and purchasing
S1.7 - obtaining information verbally
S1.8 - working with others
S1.9 - solving problems
S7.0 - constructing
S7.1 - building and repairing structures
S7.2 - installing interior or exterior infrastructure
S7.3 - finishing interior or exterior of structures
handling and moving
S6.0 - handling and moving
S6.1 - sorting and packaging goods and materials
S6.11 - cleaning
S6.12 - washing and maintaining textiles and clothing
S6.13 - handling and disposing of waste and hazardous materials
S6.2 - moving and lifting
S6.3 - transforming and blending materials
S6.4 - tending plants and crops
S6.5 - assembling and fabricating products
S6.6 - making moulds, casts, models and patterns
S6.7 - using hand tools
S6.8 - positioning materials, tools or equipment
S6.9 - handling animals
information skills
S2.0 - information skills
S2.1 - conducting studies, investigations and examinations
S2.2 - documenting and recording information
S2.3 - managing information
S2.4 - processing information
S2.5 - measuring physical properties
S2.6 - calculating and estimating
S2.7 - analysing and evaluating information and data
S2.8 - monitoring, inspecting and testing
S2.9 - monitoring developments in area of expertise
management skills
S4.0 - management skills
S4.1 - developing objectives and strategies
S4.2 - organising, planning and scheduling work and activities
S4.3 - allocating and controlling resources
S4.4 - performing administrative activities
S4.5 - leading and motivating
S4.6 - building and developing teams
S4.7 - recruiting and hiring
S4.8 - supervising people
S4.9 - making decisions
working with computers
S5.0 - working with computers
S5.1 - programming computer systems
S5.2 - setting up and protecting computer systems
S5.5 - accessing and analysing digital data
S5.6 - using digital tools for collaboration, content creation and problem solving
S5.7 - using digital tools to control machinery
working with machinery and specialised equipment
S8.0 - working with machinery and specialised equipment
S8.1 - operating mobile plant
S8.2 - driving vehicles
S8.3 - operating watercraft
S8.4 - operating machinery for the extraction and processing of raw materials
S8.5 - operating machinery for the manufacture of products
S8.6 - using precision instrumentation and equipment
S8.7 - installing, maintaining and repairing mechanical equipment
S8.8 - installing, maintaining and repairing electrical, electronic and precision equipment
S8.9 - operating aircraft
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