Determine the author of a document by comparing signatures and handwriting through handwriting analysis.
Alternative labels
assess authorship of documents
determining document authorship
evaluate authorship of documents
identify authorship of documents
Skill type
Skill reusability level
Relationships with occupations
Essential skill
Determine authorship of documents is an essential skill of the following occupations:
Optional skill
Determine authorship of documents is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.
Historian: Historians research, analyze, interpret, and present the past of human societies. They analyse documents, sources, and traces from the past in order to understand the past societies.
Graphologist: Graphologists analyse written or printed materials in order to draw conclusions and evidence about traits, personality, abilities and authorship of the writer. They interpret letter forms, the fashion of writing, and patterns in the writing.