Discharge employees


Dismiss employees from their job.

Alternative labels

discharging employees
let employees go
discharge employee
dismiss employees
sack employees
fire employees
lay off employees

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Discharge employees is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Spa manager: Spa managers coordinate the day-to-day operations of the spa establishment in order to provide guests with the best customer experiences. They oversee the activities and performance of staff, manage the financial aspects of the Spa, deal with suppliers and run advertising campaigns for the spa in order to attract more customers.

Optional skill

Discharge employees is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Public employment service manager: Public employment service managers supervise the operations of a public employment agency. They oversee the staff that helps people find employment or provide occupational guidance.
Laundry and dry cleaning manager: Laundry and dry cleaning managers oversee the laundry operations in an institutional laundry. They supervise laundry and dry cleaning staff, plan and enforce safety procedures, order supplies and oversee the laundry’s budget. Laundry and dry cleaning managers ensure the quality standards and that customers’ expectations are met.
Medical practice manager: Medical practice managers manage the day-to-day operations of a medical practice. They oversee the staff and business side of the practice.
Data entry supervisor: Data entry supervisors manage the day-to-day operations of data entry staff. They organise the workflow and tasks. 
Service manager: Service managers are responsible for the supervision and coordination of the provision of different professional and technical services to customers. They ensure a smooth interaction with clients and high levels of satisfaction post-service. This occupation includes the provision of policing, correctional, library, legal and fire services.
Laundry workers supervisor: Laundry workers supervisors monitor and coordinate the activities of the laundry and dry-cleaning staff of laundry shops and industrial laundry companies. They plan and implement production schedules, hire and train workers and monitor the production quality levels.
Contact centre manager: Contact centre managers coordinate and plan the daily operations of contact centres. They ensure that customer inquiries are satisfied efficiently and according to policies. They manage employees, resources and procedures to improve best practices and achieve high levels of customer satisfaction.
Human resources manager: Human resources managers plan, design and implement processes related to the human capital of companies. They develop programs for recruiting, interviewing, and selecting employees based on a previous assessment of the profile and skills required in the company. Moreover, they manage compensation and development programs for the company’s employees comprising trainings, skill assessment and yearly evaluations, promotion, expat programs, and general assurance of the well-being of the employees in the workplace.




  1. Discharge employees – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022