Energy assessor


Energy assessors determine the energy performance of buildings. They create an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) which indicates what the estimated energy consumption of a property is. Furthermore they give advice on how to improve energy conservation.

Other titles

The following job titles also refer to energy assessor:

energy savings advisor
energy consumption advisor
energy performance certificate assessor
EPC certification assessor
energy performance assessor
household energy use assessor

Minimum qualifications

A bachelor’s degree in architecture, mechanical engineering, or a related field is generally required to work as energy assessor.

ISCO skill level

ISCO skill level is defined as a function of the complexity and range of tasks and duties to be performed in an occupation. It is measured on a scale from 1 to 4, with 1 the lowest level and 4 the highest, by considering:

  • the nature of the work performed in an occupation in relation to the characteristic tasks and duties
  • the level of formal education required for competent performance of the tasks and duties involved and
  • the amount of informal on-the-job training and/or previous experience in a related occupation required for competent performance of these tasks and duties.

Energy assessor is a Skill level 3 occupation.

Energy assessor career path

Similar occupations

These occupations, although different, require a lot of knowledge and skills similar to energy assessor.

energy conservation officer
energy analyst
energy consultant
renewable energy sales representative
domestic energy assessor

Long term prospects

These occupations require some skills and knowledge of energy assessor. They also require other skills and knowledge, but at a higher ISCO skill level, meaning these occupations are accessible from a position of energy assessor with a significant experience and/or extensive training.

renewable energy consultant
solar energy sales consultant
energy systems engineer
energy manager
renewable energy engineer

Essential knowledge and skills

Essential knowledge

This knowledge should be acquired through learning to fulfill the role of energy assessor.

  • Electricity consumption: The different factors which are involved in the calculation and estimation of electricity consumption in a residence or facility, and methods in which electricity consumption can be lowered or made more efficient.
  • Electricity market: The trends and major driving factors in the electricity trading market, electricity trades methodologies and practice, and the identification of the major stakeholders in the electricity sector.
  • Energy performance of buildings: Factors that contribute to lower energy consumption of buildings. Building and renovation techniques used to achieve this. Legislation and procedures regarding energy performance of buildings.
  • Energy efficiency: Field of information concerning the reduction of the use of energy. It encompasses calculating the consumption of energy, providing certificates and support measures, saving energy by reducing the demand, encouraging efficient use of fossil fuels, and promoting the use of renewable energy.
  • Domestic heating systems: The modern and traditional heating systems alimented by gas, wood, oil, biomass, solar power and other renewable energy sources and their energy saving principles.
  • Renewable energy technologies: The different types of energy sources which cannot be depleted, such as wind, solar, water, biomass, and biofuel energy. The different technologies used to implement these types of energy to an increasing degree, such as wind turbines, hydroelectric dams, photovoltaics, and concentrated solar power.

Essential skills and competences

These skills are necessary for the role of energy assessor.

  • Compose energy performance contracts: Prepare and review contracts that describe the energy performance while making sure they comply with legal requirements.
  • Conduct energy audit: Analyse and evaluate the energy consumption in a systematic manner in order to improve the energy performance.
  • Advise on utility consumption: Advise individuals or organisations on methods in which they can reduce their consumption of utilities, such as heat, water, gas, and electricity, in order for them to save money and incorporate sustainable practices.
  • Analyse energy consumption: Evaluate and analyse the total amount of energy used by a company or an institution by assessing the needs linked to the operative processes and by identifying the causes of superfluous consumption.
  • Advise on heating systems energy efficiency: Provide information and advice to clients on how to preserve an energy efficient heating system in their home or office and possible alternatives.
  • Carry out energy management of facilities: Contribute to develop effective strategies for energy management and making sure that these are sustainable for buildings. Review buildings and facilities to identify where improvements can be made in energy efficiency.

Optional knowledge and skills

Optional knowledge

This knowledge is sometimes, but not always, required for the role of energy assessor. However, mastering this knowledge allows you to have more opportunities for career development.

  • Solar energy: The energy which originates from light and heat from the sun, and which can be harnessed and used as a renewable source of energy using different technologies, such as photovoltaics (PV) for electricity production and solar thermal energy (STE) for thermal energy generation.

Optional skills and competences

These skills and competences are sometimes, but not always, required for the role of energy assessor. However, mastering these skills and competences allows you to have more opportunities for career development.

  • Promote sustainable energy: Promote the use of renewable electricity and heat generation sources to organisations and individuals, in order to work towards a sustainable future and encourage sales of renewable energy equipment, such as solar power equipment.
  • Provide information on geothermal heat pumps: Provide organisations and individuals searching for alternative methods to provide buildings with energy on the cost, benefits, and negative aspects of the installation and use of geothermal heat pumps for utility services, and what one must take into account when considering the purchase and installation of geothermal heat pumps.
  • Provide information: Ensure quality and correctness of provided information, depending on the type of audience and context.
  • Provide information on solar panels: Provide organisations and individuals searching for alternative methods to provide facilities and residences with energy on the costs, benefits, and negative aspects of the installation and use of solar panels, and what one must take into account when considering the purchase and installation of solar systems.
  • Provide information on wind turbines: Provide organisations and individuals searching for alternative energy methods on the cost, benefits, and negative aspects of the installation and use of wind turbines, both residential and common, and what one must take into account when considering the implementation of wind turbine technology.
  • Promote environmental awareness: Calculate the carbon footprint of business processes and other practices in order to promote sustainability and to raise awareness for the environmental impact.
  • Identify energy needs: Identify the type and amount of energy supply necessary in a building or facility, in order to provide the most beneficial, sustainable, and cost-effective energy services for a consumer.

ISCO group and title

3112 – Civil engineering technicians

  1. Energy assessor – ESCO
Last updated on February 9, 2023
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