


The science of designing systems, processes and products that complement the strengths of people so that they can use them easily and safely.

Alternative labels

human factors and ergonomics

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential knowledge

Ergonomics is an essential knowledge of the following occupations:

Ergonomist: Ergonomists analyse the design of equipment, furniture, and systems in order to improve it toward safer, healthier, and more efficient ones. They strive to improve the interaction of people with equipment and the environment.
Occupational therapist: Occupational therapists assist individuals or groups who have occupational limitations due to diseases, physical disorders, and temporary or permanent mental disabilities, in regaining their ability to perform daily activities. They provide treatment and rehabilitation to enable them to actively participate in society, to live their lives according to their wishes and to perform those activities that are meaningful to them.
Occupational therapy assistant: Occupational therapy assistants support occupational therapists by working with people and communities to enhance their ability to engage in the occupations they want to, need to, or are expected to do, or by modifying the occupation or the environment to better support their occupational engagement. They work under the supervision of an occupational therapist.

Wicker furniture maker: Wicker furniture makers choose and prepare materials such as softened rattan or willow branches in order to produce wicker furniture such as chairs, tables and couches. They use hand, power or machine tools to cut, bend and weave materials to create the desired objects. Finally, they treat the surface to ensure a finished look and protect it from corrosion and fire using waxes, lacquers and other coatings.
Industrial designer: Industrial designers work out ideas and develop them into designs and concepts for a wide variety of manufactured products. They integrate creativity, aesthetics, production feasibility, and market relevance in the design of new products.

Optional knowledge

Ergonomics is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this knowledge may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Kinesiologist: Kinesiologists study and research the movement of the body; its muscles and parts. They analyse and use scientific data and methods to improve body motion, generally in humans, through an understanding of such areas as physiology, kinetics, neurology, and biology. They recognise the effects that some factors, such as body condition, have on motion and develop solutions to improve overall mechanics and mobility.
Automotive designer: Automotive designers create model designs in 2D or 3D and prepare isometric drawings and graphics. They also conduct research collecting data about (new) materials, market trends and production processes.
Physiologist: Physiologists study and exert research on the functioning of different living organisms, the parts they are composed of, and their interactions. They understand the fashion in which living systems react to factors such as diseases, physical activity, and stress, and use that information to develop methods and solutions to even out the effect that those stimuli have in living bodies.
Automotive test driver: Automotive test drivers drive prototype and pre-production vehicles and assess their performance, safety and comfort. They test the models in various driving situations and prepare reports to help engineers improve their designs and identify problems. They can work for manufacturers, independent vehicle test organisations or automotive magazines.
Fine arts instructor: Fine arts instructors educate students in specific theory and, primarily, practice-based fine arts courses at a specialised fine arts school or conservatory at a higher education level, including drawing, painting and sculpturing. They provide theoretical instruction in service of the practical skills and techniques the students must subsequently master in the fine arts. Fine arts instructors monitor the students’ progress, assist individually when necessary, and evaluate their knowledge and performance on the fine arts through, often practical, assignments, tests and examinations.
Health and safety engineer: Health and safety engineers design objects and programs by combining engineering principles and health and safety requirements. They envision the protection and well-being of the people using designed objects or performing work under designed health and safety programs. They assess facilities and the risks that they might pose (e.g. contaminant materials, ergonomics, handling of dangerous substances, etc.) in order to design and improve health and safety measures.
Surgical instrument maker: Surgical instrument makers create, repair and design surgical instruments, such as clamps, graspers, mechanical cutters, scopes, probes and other surgical instruments.




  1. Ergonomics – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022