Flammable fluids


The behaviour of liquids and gases that represent a serious explosion and fire danger, and their appropriate handling systems and effective storage.

Alternative labels

combustible oils and petroleum
flammable liquids
combustible spirits
combustible liquids
flammable spirits
combustible gases and liquids
flammable oils

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential knowledge

Flammable fluids is an essential knowledge of the following occupations:

Oxy fuel burning machine operator: Oxy fuel burning machine operators set up and tend machines designed to cut, or rather burn off, excess material from the metal workpiece using a torch that heats the metal workpiece to its kindling temperature and subsequently burns it into a metal oxide upon its reaction with an emitted stream of oxygen, flowing out of the workpiece’s created kerf as slag.
Boilermaker: Boilermakers operate a variety of equipment and machinery to create, repipe and retube hot water and steam boilers, producing them in all steps of the production process. They cut, gouge and shape the metal sheets and tubes for the boilers to size, using oxy-acetylene gas torches, assemble them by shielded metal arc welding, gas metal arc welding or gas tungsten arc welding, and finish them by the approprate machine tools, power tools and coating.
Welders operate welding equipment in order to join metal workpieces together. They can use fusion welding processes based on different techniques and materials. They also perform simple visual inspection of welds.
Welding coordinator: Welding coordinators supervise the workflow of welding applications. They monitor welding processes performed by other welders, supervise the staff, being sometimes responsible for vocational training. They also weld particularly demanding parts. Welding coordinators ensure that the necessary welding equipment is ready for usage. They mostly coordinate welding applications and related professional activities.
Tracer powder blender: Tracer powder blenders operate machines and equipment used to create igniters and tracer powders, by mixing liquid and dry chemicals, making sure the required parameters are set and that the flammable mixtures are according to specifications.

Optional knowledge

Flammable fluids is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this knowledge may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Solderer: Solderers operate various equipment and machinery such as gas torches, soldering irons, welding machines, or electric-ultrasonic equipment in order to solder together two or more items (usually metals), by melting and forming a metal filler in between the joints, the filler metal has a lower melting point than the adjoining metal. 
Brazier: Braziers operate various equipment and machinery such as torches, soldering irons, fluxes and welding machines in order to join two metal pieces together, by heating, melting and forming a metal filler inbetween them, often brass or copper. Brazing can join metals such as aluminum, silver, copper, gold, and nickel. Brazing is a similar process to soldering but requires higher temperatures. 





  1. Flammable fluids – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022