Ensure equipment availability


Ensure that the necessary equipment is provided, ready and available for use before start of procedures.

Alternative labels

secure equipment availability
assure apparatus availability
provide equipment availability
provide apparatus availability
safeguard apparatus availability
assure equipment availability
secure apparatus availability
safeguard equipment availability

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Ensure equipment availability is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Metal drawing machine operator: Metal drawing machine operators set up and operate drawing machines for ferrous and non-ferrous metal products, designed to provide wires, bars, pipes, hollow profiles and tubes with their specific form by reducing its cross-section and by pulling the working materials through a series of drawing dies.
Insulation supervisor: Insulation supervisors monitor insulation operations. They assign tasks and take quick decisions to resolve problems.
Coating machine operator: Coating machine operators set up and tend coating machines that coat metal products with a thin layer of covering of materials such as lacquer, enamel, copper, nickel, zinc, cadmium, chromium or other metal layering in order to protect or decorate the metal products’ surfaces. They run all coating machine stations on multiple coaters.
Aircraft engine assembler: Aircraft engine assemblers build and install prefabricated parts to form aircraft engines such as lightweight piston engines and gas turbines. They review specifications and technical drawings to determine materials and assembly instructions. They inspect and test the engines and reject malfunctioning components.
Bricklaying supervisor: Bricklaying supervisors monitor bricklaying activities. They assign tasks and take quick decisions to resolve problems.
Table saw operator: Table saw operators work with industrial saws that cut with a rotating circular blade. The saw is built into a table. The operator sets the height of the saw to control the depth of the cut. Particular attention is paid to safety, as factors such as natural stresses within the wood may produce unpredictable forces.
Bridge construction supervisor: Bridge construction supervisors monitor the construction of bridges. They assign tasks and take quick decisions to resolve problems.
Enameller: Enamellers embellish metals such as gold, silver, copper, steel, cast iron or platinum by painting it. The enamel they apply, consists of coloured powdered glass.
Plumbing supervisor: Plumbing supervisors monitor plumbing operations. They assign tasks and take quick decisions to resolve problems.
Riveter: Riveters assemble several metal parts together by riveting guns, rivet set and hammers, or by operating a riveting machine that all perform the purpose of drilling holes on the rivet shank of the metal part and of inserting rivets, bolts, into these holes in order to fasten them together.
Hydraulic forging press worker: Hydraulic forging press workers set up and tend hydraulic forging presses, designed to shape ferrous and non-ferrous metal workpieces including pipes, tubes and hollow profiles and other products of the first processing of steel in their desired form by use of compressive forces generated by a piston and fluid pressure.
Boring machine operator: Boring machine operators prepare, operate, and maintain single or multiple spindle machines using a boring bar with a hardened, rotary, multipointed cutting tool in order to enlarge an existing hole in a fabricated workpiece. 
Tyre vulcaniser: Tyre vulcanisers repair tears and holes in castings and treads of tyres by using handtools or machines.
Plasma cutting machine operator: Plasma cutting machine operators set up and operate plasma cutting machines designed to cut and shape excess material from a metal workpiece using a plasma torch at a temperature hot enough to melt and cut the metal by burning it and works at a speed that blows away the molten metal from the clear cut.
Solderer: Solderers operate various equipment and machinery such as gas torches, soldering irons, welding machines, or electric-ultrasonic equipment in order to solder together two or more items (usually metals), by melting and forming a metal filler in between the joints, the filler metal has a lower melting point than the adjoining metal. 
Engraving machine operator: Engraving machine operators set up, programme, and tend engraving machines designed to precisely carve a design in the surface of a metal workpiece by a diamond stylus on the mechanical cutting machine that creates small, separate printing dots existing from cut cells. They read engraving machine blueprints and tooling instructions, perform regular machine maintenance, and make adjustments to the precise engraving controls, such as the depth of the incisions and the engraving speed.
Tiling supervisor: Tiling supervisors monitor tile fitting operations. They assign tasks and take quick decisions to resolve problems.
Paperhanger supervisor: Paperhanger supervisors monitor the hanging of wallpaper. They assign tasks and take quick decisions to resolve problems.
Tumbling machine operator: Tumbling machine operators set up and operate tumbling machines, often wet or drie tumbling barrels, designed to remove excess material and burrs of heavy metal workpieces and precious metals and to improve surface appearance, by rotating the metal pieces in a barrel together with grit and potentially water, allowing for the friction between the pieces mutually and with the grit to cause a rounding, smooth effect.
Grinding machine operator: Grinding machine operators set up, program and control grinding machines, designed to apply abrasive processes in order to remove small amounts of excess material and smoothen metal workpieces by using an abrasive wheel with diamond teeth as a cutting device for very precise and light cuts. They read grinding machine blueprints and tooling instructions, perform regular machine maintenance, and make adjustments to the grinding controls, such as the depth of cuts and the rotation speed.
Water jet cutter operator: Water jet cutter operators set up and operate a water jet cutter, designed to cut excess material from a metal workpiece by using a high-pressure jet of water, or an abrasive substance mixed with water.
Power lines supervisor: Power lines supervisors monitor the construction and maintenance of power lines and associated equipment. They assign tasks and take quick decisions to resolve problems.
Concrete finisher supervisor: Concrete finisher supervisors monitor the concrete finishing process. They assign tasks to finishers and take quick decisions to resolve problems. They may also pass on their skills to apprentices.
Rail construction supervisor: Rail construction supervisors monitor the construction and maintenance of railway infrastructure. They assign tasks, either on the ground or from a control room, and make quick decisions to resolve problems.
Sewer construction supervisor: Sewer construction supervisors supervise the installation of sewer pipes and other sewage infrastructure. They assign tasks and make quick decisions to resolve problems.
Construction scaffolding supervisor: Construction scaffolding supervisors plan and supervise the transport, assembly, disassembly and maintenance of the structures. They also ensure the safety of the scaffolds, support structures, access ladders and fenders.
Screw machine operator: Screw machine operators set up and tend mechanical screw machines designed to manufacture (threaded) screws out of processed metal workpieces, specifically small- to medium-sized ones that have been turned by a lathe and turn machine.
Glass engraver: Glass engravers engrave lettering and ornamental designs onto glass articles, using engravers hand tools. They sketch and lay out the lettering and designs on the article, cut the design in the article and finish it.
Metal sawing machine operator: Metal sawing machine operators set up and operate metal sawing machines designed to cut excess metal from a metal workpiece by the use of a (or several) large toothed-edges blade(s). They also trim clean finished shapes out of metal using tin snips, metal shears or wire cutters.  They also smoothen and trim sharp or rough edges using various tools.
Abrasive blasting operator: Abrasive blasting operators use the proper equipment and machinery to smoothen rough surfaces by abrasive blasting. Abrasive blasting is commonly used in the finishing process of metal workpieces and for blasting building materials used in masonry such as bricks, stones and concrete. They operate blasters or sand cabinets which forcibly thrust a stream of abrasive material such sand, soda or water, under high pressure, propelled by a centrifigal wheel, in order to shape and smoothen surfaces.
Stone planer: Stone planers operate and maintain planing machines that are used for stone blocks and slabs finishing. They manipulate the stone and ensure that the required parameters are according to specifications.
Production supervisor: Production supervisors coordinate, plan and direct manufacturing and production processes. They are responsible for reviewing production schedules or orders as well as dealing with staff in these production areas.
Planer thicknesser operator: Planer thicknesser operators use machinery to shave wood planks to a uniform thickness. The machine usually planes both sides of the plank in one operation. They feed the plank into the machine carefully to prevent excess planing at the edge known as ‘snipe’.
Glass polisher: Glass polishers finish plate glass to make a variety of glass products. They polish the edges of the glass using grinding and polishing wheels, and spray solutions on glass or operate vacuum coating machines to provide a mirrored surface.
Bindery operator: Bindery operators tend machines that bind printed or unprinted paper into volumes using staples, twine, glue or other binding technologies.
Surface grinding machine operator: Surface grinding machine operators set up and tend surface grinding machines designed to apply abrasive processes in order to remove small amounts of excess material and smoothen metal workpieces by an abrasive grinding wheel, or wash grinder, rotating on a horizontal or vertical axis.
Print studio supervisor: Print production supervisors organise the activity of one or more teams of machine operators in printing, binding of books and finishing of printed materials. They aim to optimise production processes.
Cylindrical grinder operator: Cylindrical grinding operators set up and tend cylindrical grinding machines designed to apply abrasive processes in order to remove small amounts of excess material and smoothen metal workpieces by multiple abrasive grinding wheels with diamond teeth as a cutting device for very precise and light cuts, as the workpiece is fed past it and formed into a cylinder.
Filing machine operator: Filing machine operators set up and tend filing machines such as band files, reciprocating files and bench filing machines in order to smoothen metal, wood or plastic surfaces by precisely cutting and removing small amounts of excess material.
Water treatment plant manager: Water treatment plant managers supervise water treatment, storage and distribution in a water plant. They ensure the plant’s operations are compliant with regulation, and supervise staff. They also implement new policies, and oversee equipment maintenance.
Stone engraver: Stone engravers use hand tools, machines and chemical products to etch and carve patterns and inscriptions on stone surfaces.
Verger: Vergers perform administrative duties for churches and parishes, ensure equipment maintenance and support the parish priest or other superiors. They also perform assisting duties before and after church service such as tidying, readying the equipment and supporting the priest.
Computer numerical control machine operator: Computer numerical control machine operators set-up, maintain and control a computer numerical control machine in order to execute the product orders. They are responsible for programming the machines, ensuring the required parameters and measurements are met while maintaining the quality and safety standards.
Oxy fuel burning machine operator: Oxy fuel burning machine operators set up and tend machines designed to cut, or rather burn off, excess material from the metal workpiece using a torch that heats the metal workpiece to its kindling temperature and subsequently burns it into a metal oxide upon its reaction with an emitted stream of oxygen, flowing out of the workpiece’s created kerf as slag.
Court bailiff: Court bailiffs maintain order and security in courtrooms. They transport offenders to and from the courtroom, ensure necessary supplies are present in the courtroom, and investigate the premises and examine individuals to ensure there are no threats. They also open and close court, and call witnesses.
Boilermaker: Boilermakers operate a variety of equipment and machinery to create, repipe and retube hot water and steam boilers, producing them in all steps of the production process. They cut, gouge and shape the metal sheets and tubes for the boilers to size, using oxy-acetylene gas torches, assemble them by shielded metal arc welding, gas metal arc welding or gas tungsten arc welding, and finish them by the approprate machine tools, power tools and coating.
Stamping press operator: Stamping press operators set up and tend stamping presses designed to form metal workpieces in their desired shape by applying pressure through the up and down movement of a bolster plate and a die attached to a stamping ram on the metal, resulting in the die producing smaller metal parts of the workpiece fed to the press.
Water conservation technician supervisor: Water conservation technician supervisors supervise the installation of systems to recover, filter, store and distribute water from different sources such as rainwater and domestic greywater. They assign tasks and take quick decisions.
Lathe and turning machine operator: Lathe and turning machine operators set up, program and tend lathe and turning machines designed to cut excess metal from a metal workpiece using a hardened cutting tool moved by computer-controlled motors. They read lathe and turning machine blueprints and tooling instructions, perform regular machine maintenance, and make adjustments to the lathe controls, such as the depth of cuts and the rotation speed.
Metal nibbling operator: Metal nibbling operators cut detailed patterns from metal surfaces by using manual or powered metal nibblers, such as a handheld nibbling drill or a nibbling machine.
Roofing supervisor: Roofing supervisors monitor the work on roofing a building. They assign tasks and take quick decisions to resolve problems.
Manufacturing facility manager: Manufacturing facility managers foresee the maintenance and routine operational planning of buildings intended to be used for manufacturing activities. They control and manage health and safety procedures, supervise the work of contractors, plan and handle buildings maintenance operations, fire safety and security issues, and oversee buildings’ cleaning activities.
Construction painting supervisor: Construction painting supervisors plan, direct and oversee the work of the crew of painters assigned to a certain project or location. They supervise and evaluate the work of painters.
Brazier: Braziers operate various equipment and machinery such as torches, soldering irons, fluxes and welding machines in order to join two metal pieces together, by heating, melting and forming a metal filler inbetween them, often brass or copper. Brazing can join metals such as aluminum, silver, copper, gold, and nickel. Brazing is a similar process to soldering but requires higher temperatures. 

Knitting machine operator: Knitting machine operators set up, operate and monitor knitting machines. They work with specialised machinery, techniques and materials to process threads of yarn into knitted products such as clothing, carpets or rope. They maintain and repair knitting machinery and ensure operations run without problems.
Metal rolling mill operator: Metal rolling mill operators set up and tend metal rolling mills designed to form metal workpieces into their desired shape by passing them through one or several pairs of rolls in order to decrease the metal’s thickness and to make it homogeneous. They also take into account the proper temperature for this rolling process.
Numerical tool and process control programmer: Numerical tool and process control programmers develop computer programs to control automatic machines and equipment involved in manufacturing processes. They analyse blueprints and job orders, conduct computer simulations and trial runs.
Dredging supervisor: Dredging supervisors monitor dredging operations. They make sure the operation proceeds per regulations and take quick decisions to resolve problems.
Laser marking machine operator: Laser marking machine operators set up and tend laser marking or engraving machines designed to precisely carve a design in the surface of a metal workpiece by use of a moving controller and an engraving laser beam point attached to it that traces patterns on the metal workpiece’s surface. They make adjustments to the machine in terms of laser beam intensity, direction and speed of movement. They also ensure the laser table, used to perform laser machine engravings on and guides the laser beam, is properly set up.
Lacquer spray gun operator: Lacquer spray gun operators operate lacquer spray guns designed to provide otherwise finished metal, wooden or plastic workpieces with a hard, durable finishing coat, through lacquer coating or paint that is either matte, sheen or highly glossy, but is always meant for hard surfaces.
Wire weaving machine operator: Wire weaving machine operators set up and tend wire weaving machines, designed to produce woven metal wire cloth out of the alloys or ductile metal that can be drawn into wire.
Thread rolling machine operator: Thread rolling machine operators set up and tend thread rolling machines designed to form metal workpieces into external and internal screw threads by pressing a thread rolling die against metal blank rods, creating a larger diameter than those of the original blank workpieces.
Welders operate welding equipment in order to join metal workpieces together. They can use fusion welding processes based on different techniques and materials. They also perform simple visual inspection of welds.
Road construction supervisor: Road construction supervisors monitor the construction and maintenance of roads. They assign tasks and take quick decisions to resolve problems.
Metalworking lathe operator: Metalworking lathe operators set up and tend a metalworking lathe manually, which is responsible for cutting metal to its desired size and shape by usage of a gear train or a swapping gear that propels the main lead-screw at a variable speed ratio, thus rotating the metal workpiece on its axis, facilitating the cutting process. They check the lathe equipment for wear and handle the metal workpieces as they have been cut by the lathe.
Metal production supervisor: Metal production supervisors oversee the day-to-day working process and activities of the labourers in a metal fabrication factory. They supervise staff, create work schedules, maintain a safe work environment and serve as the first, most accessible management representative for the workers to contact when there is need.
Wood boring machine operator: Wood boring machine operators use milling machines or specialise boring jigs to cut holes in wood workpieces. Wood boring differs from routing mainly in that the main movement is into the workpiece as opposed to across its surface.
Terrazzo setter supervisor: Terrazzo setter supervisors monitor terrazzo setting operations. They assign tasks and take quick decision to resolve problems.
Tool grinder: Tool grinder perform precision grinding processes on metal objects and tools. They grind, sharpen or smoothen metal surfaces using the appropriate tools and instruments. Tool grinders follow tooling instructions and assure the processed workpiece meets the necessary specifications.
Rolling stock assembler: Rolling stock assemblers use hand tools, power tools and other equipment such as lifting equipment or robots to construct, fit and install prefabricated parts to manufacture rolling stock subassemblies and body structures. They read and interpret blueprints. They operate control systems to determine functional performance of the assemblies and adjust accordingly.
Deburring machine operator: Deburring machine operators set up and tend mechanical deburring machines designed to strip metal workpieces of their rough edges, or burrs, by hammering over their surfaces in order to smoothen them or to roll over their edges in case of uneven slits or sheers in order to flatten them into the surface.
Sawmill operator: Sawmill operators work with automated lumber mill equipment which saws timber into rough lumber. They also handle various sawing machines which further process the lumber in various shapes and sizes. These processes are nowadays often computer controlled.
Carpenter supervisor: Carpenter supervisors monitor carpentry operations in construction. They assign tasks and take quick decisions to resolve problems. They pass their skills on to apprentice carpenters.
Electrical supervisor: Electrical supervisors monitor the operations involved in installing and servicing electricity cables and other electrical infrastructure. They assign tasks and take quick decisions to resolve problems.
Vessel engine assembler: Vessel engine assemblers build and install prefabricated parts to form engines used for all types of vessels such as electric motors, nuclear reactors, gas turbine engines, outboard motors, two-stroke or four-stroke diesel engines and, in some cases, marine steam engines. They review specifications and technical drawings to determine materials and assembly instructions. They inspect and test the engines and reject malfunctioning components.
Metal engraver: Metal engravers make incisions of a design onto a metal surface by carving grooves into it, usually for decorative purposes, including metal weaponry. To cut the design into the surface they use tools such as gravers or burins.

Upsetting machine operator: Upsetting machine operators set up and tend upsetting machines, primarily crank presses, designed to form through forging processes metal workpieces, usually wires, rods, or bars, into their desired shape by having split dies with mulitiple cavities compress the workpieces’ length and hereby increasing their diameter.
Drop forging hammer worker: Drop forging hammer workers utilise forging machinery and equipment, specifically machined hammers, in order to form ferrous and non-ferrous metal workpieces to their desired shape. They tend the forging hammers that are dropped onto the workpiece in order to reshape it after the form of the die, which can be closed or open, fully enclosing the workpiece or not.
Production potter: Production potters process and form clay, by hand or by using the wheel, into end-products pottery, stoneware products, earthenware products and porcelain. They introduce the already shaped clay into kilns, heating them at a high temperature in order to remove all the water from the clay.
Spot welder: Spot welders set up and tend spot welding machines designed to press and join metal workpieces together. The metal resistance to the passage of electrical current and the subsequent heat created in the process allows for the local melting and joining of the parts.  
Tyre fitter: Tyre fitters inspect, maintain, repair and fit tyres to vehicles. They advise clients on different tyre and wheel types. Furthermore they balance the tyres, verify that the wheels are aligned correctly and ensure compliance with safety standards and regulations.
Sewerage systems manager: Sewerage systems managers coordinate and plan pipe and sewer systems, and supervise sewerage construction and maintenance operations. They supervise wastewater treatment plants and other sewage treatment facilities, and ensure operations are compliant with regulations.
Demolition supervisor: Demolition supervisors monitor operations involved in the demolition of buildings and clean up of debris. They take quick decisions to resolve problems.
Extrusion machine operator: Extrusion machine operators set up, monitor and maintain machines which heat or melt raw materials, and pull or push the heated material through a shaped die to form it into a continuous profile with a preset cross section such as tubes, pipes and sheeting. They may also clean and maintain the equipment.
Milling machine operator: Milling machine operators set up, program and control milling machines, designed to cut excess material from metal workpieces using a computer-controlled rotary-cutting, milling cutter. They read milling machine blueprints and tooling instructions, perform regular machine maintenance, and make adjustments to the milling controls, such as the depth of cuts or the rotation speed.
Metal planer operator: Metal planer operators set up and operate a planer, which is a metalworking machine designed to cut excess material from a metal workpiece using linear relative motion between the planer’s cutting tool and the workpiece in order to create a linear toolpath and cut.
Structural ironwork supervisor: Structural ironwork supervisors monitor ironworking activities. They assign tasks and take quick decisions to resolve problems.
Straightening machine operator: Straightening machine operators set up and tend straightening machines designed to form metal workpieces into their desired shape using pressing practices. They adjust the angle and the height of the straightening rolls and select the settings for the pressing force required to straighten the workpiece, taking into account the end product’s yield strenght and size, without excess work hardening.
Transport equipment painter: Transport equipment painters use painting machines and hand tools to coat individual parts and to paint the surface of all types of transport equipment such as cars, buses, boats, aircraft, motorcycles and railway cars. They prepare the surface of the pieces for the paint and apply the coaat. Transport equipment painters can perform industrial painting or individual customisation. They may also remove or repair painting errors such as scratches.
Band saw operator: Band saw operators work with industrial saws that feature a continuous flexible blade revolving around two or more wheels. Band saws are most effective at producing irregular shapes.
Drill press operator: Drill press operators set up and operate drill presses designed to cut excess material from or enlarge a hole in a fabricated workpiece using a hardened, rotary, multipointed cutting tool that inserts the drill into the workpiece axially.

Optional skill

Ensure equipment availability is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Marine engineering technician: Marine engineering technicians carry out technical functions to help marine engineers with the design, development, manufacturing and testing processes, installation and maintenance of all types of boats from pleasure crafts to naval vessels, including submarines. They also conduct experiments, collect and analyse data and report their findings.
Aerospace engineering technician: Aerospace engineering technicians work with aerospace engineers to operate, maintain and test equipment used on aircraft and spacecraft. They review blueprints and instructions to determine test specifications and procedures. They use software to make sure that parts of a spacecraft or aircraft are functioning properly. They record test procedures and results, and make recommendations for changes.
Rolling stock engineering technician: Rolling stock engineering technicians carry out technical functions to help rolling stock engineers with the design, development, manufacturing and testing processes, installation and maintenance of rail vehicles such as wagons, multiple units, carriages and locomotives. They also conduct experiments, collect and analyse data and report their findings.
Court clerk: Court clerks provide assistance to judges in a court institution. They handle enquiries on court proceedings, and assist judges in various tasks such as performing legal research in preparation of cases or writing opinion pieces. They also contact parties involved in cases and brief judges and other court officials.
Water engineering technician: Water systems engineering technicians aid engineers in the development and implementation of water supply and water treatment systems. They monitor the operations to ensure compliance with health and safety regulations, check water quality and ensure implementation of water-related legislation.
Spark erosion machine operator: Spark erosion machine operators set up and tend spark erosion machines designed to cut excess material from a metal workpiece by the use of electrical discharges, or sparks, caused by electric voltage and separated by a dielectric liquid, which removes pieces of metal from the electrodes These applications can involve transmission and optical microscopy.
Water treatment systems operator: Water treatment system operators treat water to ensure safety for drinking, irrigation, or other use. They operate and maintain water treatment equipment and ensure the water is safe for bottling and use in food production by thoroughly testing before distribution, and by meeting environmental standards.
Equipment engineer: Equipment engineers design and maintain the machinery and equipment in manufacturing facilities. They design machinery that adjusts to the manufacturing requirements and processes. Moreover, they envision the maintenance of the machines and equipment for uninterrupted functioning.

Component engineer: Component engineers design and envision the engineering development of different small parts composing a bigger project, machine, or process. They ensure that parts are not conflicting from an engineering perspective.
Promotion assistant: Promotion assistants provide support in the implementation of programs and promotional efforts in points-of-sale. They research and administer all the information required by managers to decide whether promotional programs are required. If so, they support in getting of materials and resources for the promotional action.
Purchasing manager: Purchasing managers are in charge of buying goods, equipment and services for their company, and try to ensure the most competitive prices. They are also responsible for negotiating contracts, reviewing the quality of products and analyzing suppliers , and the use and resale of goods and services.
Court administrator: Court administrators perform managerial tasks in a court institution, such as supervision of staff, administration, communicating with judges and reviewing procedures. They also manage the court’s finances, and oversee maintenance of the facility and equipment.
Product development engineering technician: Product development engineering technicians improve efficiency of product development, set up equipment and develop and test solutions to solve technical problems. They work closely with engineers and technologists, inspect products, conduct tests and collect data.
Automotive engineering technician: Automotive engineering technicians work with automotive engineers to operate, repair, maintain and test equipment used in motor vehicles. In some environments, such as an airport they are responsible for keeping equipment and vehicles serviceable. They review blueprints and designs to determine test specifications and procedures. Automotive engineering technicians use software to make sure that parts of a motor vehicle are functioning properly. They record test procedures and results, and make recommendations for changes.
Army corporal: Army corporals supervise sections of soldiers and perform instruction duties. They also command equipment such as heavy machinery and weaponry.
Industrial engineer: Industrial engineers design a vast array of production systems aiming to present efficient and effective solutions. They integrate a varied number of variables such as workers, technology, ergonomics, production flows, and product specifications for the design and implementation of production systems. They can specify and design for microsystems as well.
Sheet metal worker: Sheet metal workers in construction use sheet metal to construct roofs, ducts for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning, gutters and other metal structures. They read plans and determine the type and amount of materials to be used, then measure, bend, cut, shape, and attach pieces of sheet metal to create the required structure.
Manufacturing manager: Manufacturing managers plan, oversee and direct the manufacturing process in an organisation. They ensure products and services are efficiently produced within the timeframe and budget given.
Rescue centre manager: Rescue centre managers supervise operations of a rescue centre, performing administrative duties and supervision of staff. They ensure that the centre operates according to policies and staff perform rescue missions in a safe, efficient and compliant manner.
Manufacturing engineer: Manufacturing engineers design manufacturing processes for different kinds of production processes. They integrate those specificities and constraints posed by the industry or the product being produced with general and wide-spread manufacturing engineering principles into the design and planification of manufacturing processes.
Structural ironworker: Structural ironworker in construction install iron elements into structures. They erect steel frameworks for buildings, bridges and other construction projects. They set metal rods, or rebar, to form reinforced concrete.
Recycling specialist: Recycling specialists research recycling policies and legislation, and supervise implementation in an organisation to ensure that waste management occurs according to regulations. They perform inspections, provide recycling equipment, and supervise recycling workers. They also advise organisations on ways they can improve their waste management procedures.
Sports programme coordinator: Sports programme coordinators coordinate sports and recreation activities and policy implementation. They develop new programs and aim to promote and implement them, as well as ensure the maintenance of sports and recreation facilities.
Water plant technician: Water plant technicians maintain and repair water treatment and supply equipment in a water plant. They ensure the provision of clean water by measuring the water quality, ensuring it is filtered and treated correctly, and maintaining distribution systems.
Armed forces training and education officer: Armed forces training and education officers train probationary, new academy recruits, or cadets, on the theory and practice necessary to become a soldier or a military officer, and need experience as a military officer themselves as a requirement to instruct. They prepare and present theoretical courses and materials during training on subjects such as law, national and international regulations, defense and offense models, world affairs etc. They also conduct the physical training of the cadets, teaching them care and usage of weapon and machinery, first aid, self defense and offense techniques, military vehicle operations, and putting them through a series of heavy drills and physical training. Armed forces training and education officers manage training plans by developing and updating the curriculum and field training exercises when necessary. They also assist senior officers in preparation for a promotion and generally monitor the cadets’ progress and evaluate their performance through a series of theoretical and physical tests. They prepare performance and evaluation reports for each cadet individually.
Electrical engineer: Electrical engineers design and develop electrical systems, electrical equipment, components, motors, and equipment with the feature of energy transmission. They engage in large scale projects such as the design and maintenance of power stations, and the distribution of power to smaller applications such as household appliances.
Defence administration officer: Defence administration officers perform managerial duties and administrative tasks in defense institutions, such as maintenance of records, management of staff, and handling of accounts.
Army captain: Army captains aid in the supervision of large units of soldiers, as well as perform planning and strategic duties in tactical operations. They also ensure equipment maintenance and provide support in logistic matters as well as support during operations.
Resource manager: Resource managers manage resources for all potential and assigned projects. They liaise with the different departments to see that all various resources are met, in a timely manner, and communicate any resourcing issues that may impact scheduled deadlines.
Energy manager: Energy managers coordinate the energy use in an organisation, and aim to implement policies for increased sustainability, and minimisation of cost and environmental impact. They monitor the energy demands
and use, and develop improvement strategies, as well as researching the most beneficial source of energy for the organisation’s needs.
Court administrative officer: Court administrative officers perform administrative and assisting duties for the court and judges. They are designated to accept or reject applications for informal probate and informal appointment of a personal representative. They manage case accounts and handle official documents. Court administrative officers perform assisting duties during a court trial, such as calling out the cases and identification of parties, keeping notes, and recording orders from the judge..
Supply chain manager: Supply chain managers plan, manage and coordinate all activities related to the sourcing and procurement of supplies needed to run manufacturing operations from the acquisition of raw materials to the distribution of finished products. The supplies can be raw materials or finished products, and it can be for internal or external use. Moreover, they plan and commission all the activities needed to be performed in manufacturing plants and adjust operations to changing levels of demand for a company’s products.
Mechanical engineering technician: Mechanical engineering technicians provide technical support to mechanical engineers in producing and manufacturing mechanical machinery. They help make designs and adjustments, and perform tests. They also develop layouts and drawings, collate and interpret data and write reports.
Colonel: Colonels serve in the staff of a military commander, and function as primary advisers in operational and strategic decision-making to senior officers.
Brigadier: Brigadiers command large units of troops called brigades, oversee strategic and tactical planning, and monitor operations of their brigade. They manage the headquarters of the brigade’s division and ensure correct operations of the division on base and in the field.
Social services manager: Social services managers have the responsibility for strategic and operational leadership and management of staff teams and resources within and or across social services. They are responsible for the implementation of legislation and policies relating to, for example, decisions about vulnerable people. They promote social work and social care values and ethics, equality and diversity, and relevant codes guiding practice. They are responsible for liaising with other professionals in criminal justice, education and health. They can be responsible for contributing to local and national policy development.
Armed forces officer: Armed forces officers supervise operations and manoeuvres, assign duties, and command subordinate staff. They ensure efficient communication within and between units and perform training duties. They also operate equipment and supervise equipment maintenance.
Sergeant: Sergeants command squads as a second in command. They allocate tasks and duties, supervise equipment, and ensure proper training of staff. They also advise commanding officers and perform support duties.
Production engineer: Production engineers review and evaluate production performance, perform data analysis and identify under-performing production systems. They search for long or short term solutions, plan production enhancements and process optimizations.
Army major: Army majors command large units of officers and soldiers, supervise their training, and oversee their wellfare. They also supervise their administration, and equipment management.
Instrumentation engineer: Instrumentation engineers envision and design equipment used in manufacturing processes for controlling and monitoring various engineering processes remotely. They design equipment for the monitoring of production sites such as manufacturing systems, machinery uses and production processes.
Blacksmith: Blacksmiths heat metal, usually steel, in a forge and shape it with a hammer, chisel, and an anvil. Contemporarily, they predominantly create artisanal metal products, including ornamental work, as well as horse shoes, one of the sole metal fabricating processes that has not been industrialised.
Application engineer: Application engineers deal with the technical requirements, management, and design for the development of various engineering applications, such as systems, new product designs, or the improvements of processes. They are responsible for the implementation of a design or process improvement, they offer technical support for products, answer questions about the technical functionality and assist the sales team.




  1. Ensure equipment availability – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022