Hygiene in a health care setting


The procedures related to maintaining a hygienic environment within a health care setting such as hospitals and clinics. It can range from hand washing to cleaning and disinfection of medical equipment used and infection control methods.

Alternative labels

hygiene procedures in hospitals or clinics
hygienic environment in healthcare
hygiene in healthcare setting
hospital hygiene

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential knowledge

Hygiene in a health care setting is an essential knowledge of the following occupations:

Paramedic in emergency responses: Paramedics in emergency responses provide emergency care to sick, injured, and vulnerable persons in emergency medical situations, before and during transport to a medical facility. They implement and oversee the transfer of the patient in connection with transport. They provide assistance in acute situations, implement life-saving emergency measures, and monitor the performance of the transportation process. As allowed by national law they may also provide oxygen, certain drugs, the puncture of peripheral veins and infusion of crystalloid solutions and perform endotracheal intubation if needed for the immediate prevention of threats for the life or health of an emergency patient.
Biomedical scientist: Biomedical scientists perform all laboratory methods required as part of medical examination, treatment and research activities, particularly clinical-chemical, haematological, immuno-haematological, histological, cytological, microbiological, parasitological, mycological, serological and radiological tests. They perform analytical sample testing and report the results to the medical staff for further diagnosis. Biomedical Scientists may apply these methods in particular in the infection, blood or cellular sciences.
Maternity support worker: Maternity support workers work together in a team with midwives and health professionals within the occupational fields of nursing and midwifery. They assist midwives and women in childbirth by providing the necessary support, care and advice during pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period, assist births and assist in providing care for the new-born.
Occupational therapist: Occupational therapists assist individuals or groups who have occupational limitations due to diseases, physical disorders, and temporary or permanent mental disabilities, in regaining their ability to perform daily activities. They provide treatment and rehabilitation to enable them to actively participate in society, to live their lives according to their wishes and to perform those activities that are meaningful to them.
Anatomical pathology technician: Anatomical pathology technicians assist specialised doctors in pathology in conducting post-mortem examinations, keeping records of the samples, specimens, organs and the respective findings and taking care of their appropriate disposal under supervision, following the orders of the doctor of medicine.
Audiology technician: Audiology technicians create and service hearing aids and hearing protection products. They dispense, fit and provide hearing aids for those who need them.
Clinical perfusion scientist: Clinical perfusion scientists operate heart-lung equipment during surgical operations to ensure breathing and blood circulation. They work as part of the surgical team, connect patients to the heart-lung machines in preparation for surgery, monitor their condition during surgery, report to the team on the patients’ status and determine the necessary techniques according to their needs.
Phlebotomist: Phlebotomists take blood samples from patients for laboratory analysis, ensuring patient safety during the blood collection process. They transport the specimen to the laboratory, following strict instructions from the doctor of medicine.
Nuclear medicine radiographer: Nuclear Medicine Radiographers plan, prepare and perform nuclear medicine examinations, post-processing and treatment with a wide range of equipment and techniques using X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging and radiopharmaceuticals.
Emergency ambulance driver: Emergency ambulance drivers use emergency vehicles to respond to medical emergencies and support the work of paramedics, move patients safely, take note of changes in the patient’s vital signs and report to the paramedics in charge, ensuring the medical equipment is well stored, transported and functional, under supervision and on order of a doctor of medicine.
Dietetic technician: Dietetic technicians assist dietitians in planning nutritional programmes and in planning menus for patients as part of an overall treatment plan under supervision of a dietitian. Under supervision of a dietitian, dietetic technicians assist dietitians in patient reviews, enteral feeding discharge planning, and clinical auditing which includes nutritional screening.
Sterile services technician: Sterile services technicians ensure decontamination of medical devices in compliance with strict hygienic procedures. They dismantle and re-assemble sophisticated medical equipment through sterilising, cleaning, and repackaging it for further usage, under supervision, following the orders of the doctor of medicine or other qualified medical personnel.
Radiographer: Radiographers use a range of technologies to examine, treat and care for patients. They work in the fields of Medical Imaging, Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine and apply ionising radiation, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging and radioactive sources.
Orthoptist: Orthoptists diagnose and treat anomalies of binocular vision. They examine, assess and treat vision impairments, squint, amblyopia and eye motility disorders. Orthoptists apply these methods in particular in the fields of paediatrics, neurology, neuro-ophthalmology, ophthalmology, orthoptics, optometry, pleoptics and strabology assessing functional diseases of the eye for improving functional disorders of the visual system. They also provide counselling, preventive measures and training activities and may refract and prescribe glasses, such as prism corrective glasses.
Respiratory therapy technician: Respiratory therapy technicians assist doctors and surgeons to treat respiratory problems. They work in hospitals and medical facilities where they operate medical equipment to test patients’ respiratory conditions and aid in their treatment. Respiratory therapy technicians also tend to breathing equipment and machines during surgery.
Pharmacist: Pharmacists prepare, dispense, and provide prescriptions for, over the counter medication. They offer clinical information on medicines, report suspected adverse reactions, and provide personalised support to patients. Pharmacists formulate and test medications in laboratories, and store, preserve, and distribute them.
Diagnostic radiographer: Diagnostic radiographers plan, prepare and perform diagnostic imaging examinations and post processing, with a wide range of equipment and techniques using X-rays, strong magnetic fields or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and high frequency sound (Ultrasound).
Speech and language therapist: Speech and language therapists focus on the aetiology, assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of communication and swallowing disorders in people of all ages in order to help them maintain, promote, improve, initiate, or recover the ability to communicate both verbally and nonverbally. They address the development of language, speech, vocal and hearing functions, and disorders and disabilities in the cranial, facial, and oral area.
Auxiliary nursing and midwifery vocational teacher: Auxiliary nursing and midwifery vocational teachers instruct students in their specialised field of study, auxiliary nursing and midwifery, which is predominantly practical in nature. They provide theoretical instruction in service of the practical skills and techniques the students must subsequently master. Auxiliary nursing and midwifery vocational teachers monitor the students’ progress, assist individually when necessary, and evaluate their knowledge and performance on the subject of auxiliary nursing and midwifery through assignments, tests and examinations.
Occupational therapy assistant: Occupational therapy assistants support occupational therapists by working with people and communities to enhance their ability to engage in the occupations they want to, need to, or are expected to do, or by modifying the occupation or the environment to better support their occupational engagement. They work under the supervision of an occupational therapist.

Nurse assistant: Nurse assistants provide basic patient care under direction of nursing staff. They perform duties such as feed, bathe, dress, groom, move patients or change linens and may transfer or transport patients.

Dietitian: Dietitians assess specific nutritional requirements of populations or individuals throughout their lives and translate this into advice which will maintain, reduce risk to, or restore people’s health. Using evidence-based approaches, dietitians work to empower individuals, families and groups to provide or select food which is nutritionally adequate, safe, tasty and sustainable. Beyond healthcare, dietitians improve the nutritional environment for all through governments, industry, academia and research.
Nurse responsible for general care: Nurses responsible for general care are in charge of promoting and restoring patients` health by providing physical and psychological support to patients, friends, and families. They also supervise assigned team members.
Midwife: Midwives assist women in childbirth by providing the necessary support, care and advice during pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period, conduct births and provide care for the new-born. They advise on health, preventive measures, preparation for parenthood, detection of complications in mother and child, accessing of medical care, promoting normal birth and carrying out emergency measures.
Therapeutic radiographer: Therapeutic radiographers prepare and perform safe and accurate high-energy radiation treatments to patients, using a wide range of sophisticated equipment and techniques, to target the area to be treated, and computer planning to produce a plan of the dose distribution across the area to be treated.
Specialist biomedical scientist: Specialist biomedical scientists lead a department or specialist area, working as a diagnostic partner with a clinical team (investigating and diagnosing patient illnesses like diabetes, haematological disorders, coagulation, molecular biology or genomics) or undertaking clinical research projects.
Pharmacy assistant: Pharmacy assistants perform general duties, such as stock management, serving at the cash desk, or performing administrative duties. They deal with the inventory within the pharmacy under the supervision of a pharmacist.
Audiologist: Audiologists assess, diagnose and treat patients ( children or adults) with audiological and vestibular disorders caused by infectious, genetic, traumatic or degenerative conditions, such as hearing loss, tinnitus, dizziness, imbalance, hyperacusis and auditory processing difficulties. They can prescribe a hearing aid and have a role in assessing and managing patients who may benefit from cochlear implants. 
Cytology screener: Cytology screeners examine under a microscope samples of human cells obtained from various body parts such as the female reproductive tract, the lung or gastrointestinal tract, assist in identifying cell abnormality and disease such as cancer or infectious agents under supervision, following the orders of the doctor of medicine.The abnormal cells are being transferred to the pathologist for medical diagnosis. They may also work under the supervision of a biomedical scientist. They do not treat patients or assist in medical treatments.


Optional knowledge

Hygiene in a health care setting is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this knowledge may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Building cleaner: Building cleaners maintain the cleanliness and overall functionality of various types of buildings such as offices, hospitals and public institutions. They perform cleaning duties like sweeping, vacuuming and mopping floors, empty trash and check security systems, locks and windows. Building cleaners check air conditioning systems and notify the appropriate persons in case of malfunctions or problems.
Healthcare institution manager: Healthcare institution managers supervise the operations of healthcare institutions, such as hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, home care services and elderly care institutions to ensure the organisation meets requirements, the patients and residents are cared for, the organisation is maintained and the necessary equipment present. They also supervise the staff and ensure record maintenance.
Vocational teacher: Vocational teachers instruct students in their specialised field of study, which is predominantly practical in nature. They provide theoretical instruction in service of the practical skills and techniques that the students must subsequently master in the specialised vocation of their choice and aid in the development of the according attitudes and values. Vocational teachers monitor the students progress, assist individually when necessary, and evaluate their knowledge and performance on the subject through assignments, tests and examinations.
Prosthetist-orthotist: Prosthetist-orthotists design and custom fit prostheses and orthoses for individuals who are missing a limb from accident, disease or congenital conditions or for individuals who have impairments, deficiences or weaknesses due to injury, pathology or congenital malformation. They mix patient care with the design and fabrication of these devices to address their patients’ needs.




  1. Hygiene in a health care setting – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022
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