Maintain up-to-date aeronautical information management (AIM) services such as aeronautical data sets, charts, and publications.
Alternative labels
keep aeronautical information services updated
conduct updates of AIM services
ensure AIM systems and services remain up-to-date
maintain updated AIM services
conduct updates of aeronautical information management services
maintain updated aeronautical information management services
keep AIM services up to date
perform AIM update activities
keep AIM services updated
keep aeronautical information management services up-to-date
perform aeronautical information management system update activities
ensure aeronautical information management systems and services remain up-to-date
maintain up-to-date AIM services
Skill type
Skill reusability level
Relationships with occupations
Essential skill
Maintain up-to-date aeronautical information management services is an essential skill of the following occupations:
Aeronautical information specialist: Aeronautical information specialists provide high quality aeronautical information management services through technological means. They provide support to senior aeronautical information specialists and assess changes in aeronautical information affecting charts and other products. They answer requests of aeronautical data needs for airway companies operational groups and systems.
Optional skill
Maintain up-to-date aeronautical information management services is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.