Manufacturing plant equipment


The characteristics and functioning conditions of manufacturing plant equipments such as chemical reactors, addition tanks, pumps, filters, mixers.

Alternative labels

typology of manufacturing plant equipment
addition tanks
types of manufacturing plant equipment
manufacturing plant equipment types
chemical reactors

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential knowledge

Manufacturing plant equipment is an essential knowledge of the following occupations:

Chemical production manager: Chemical production managers are responsible for the technical coordination and control of the chemical production processes. They steer one or more manufacturing units and oversee the implementation of technical and human means, within the framework of objectives of volume, quality and planning. Chemical production managers design and ensure that the production plans and schedules are met. They are responsible for implementation of the processes designed to ensure quality of the manufactured product, good working conditions and environmental practices, and safety of the workplace.
Chemical processing plant controller: Chemical processing plant controllers control the chemical production process. They operate machines and systems, being responsible to monitor and maintain the equipment and the instruments in control.

Optional knowledge

Manufacturing plant equipment is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this knowledge may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Chemical mixer: Chemical mixers operate and maintain mixing tanks and blenders in order to develop chemical products out of raw materials, making sure the end products are in conformance to the batch tickets specifications.
Manufacturing manager: Manufacturing managers plan, oversee and direct the manufacturing process in an organisation. They ensure products and services are efficiently produced within the timeframe and budget given.
Paint mixer: Paint mixers operate and maintain machines that mix lacquers, solvents and paints in order to produce paint, making sure the end product is according to the specified formula.
Industrial assembly supervisor: Industrial assembly supervisors are in charge of organizing, planning and coordinating assembly operations. They keep track of all the work activities and manage the process for efficient functioning in order to tackle problems such as production loss. They answer to the industrial production and the manufacturing manager.
Chemical plant control room operator: Chemical plant control room operators monitor and inspect remotely the production systems during their shift, reporting all anomalies and incidents using the required systems. They operate the control room panels and ensure the safety of production workers and production equipment.




  1. Manufacturing plant equipment – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022