Mix grains according to recipe in order to get the desired product. The mixing can be done before or after dumping the whole grains into steel drums for fermentation.
Alternative labels
mix grain according to recipes
stir grain according to recipe
conjoin grain according to recipe
induce grain according to recipe
blend grain according to recipe
mix a grain according to recipe
mix grain according to a recipe
Skill type
Skill reusability level
Relationships with occupations
Essential skill
Mix grain according to recipe is an essential skill of the following occupations:
Green coffee coordinator: Green coffee coordinators organise and manage the operations performed by workers in coffee plants and plan the functioning of machines that blend various types of green coffee beans.
Optional skill
Mix grain according to recipe is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.
Dryer attendant: Dryer attendants tend rotary dryers to remove moisture from raw materials or food products in transformation. They observe instruments to verify dryer temperature and regulate steam pressure in order to determine if products have the specified moisture content.