Prepare floor for terrazzo


Make sure the floor is ready to receive a terrazzo layer. Remove any previous floor coverings, dirt, grease, other impurities and moisture. Rough the surface with a shot blaster if required.

Alternative labels

preparations for terrazzo floor laying
preparation of floor for terrazzo
preparing floor for terrazzo
prepare for terrazzo flooring
prepare floor surface
preparing floor surface
prepare for terrazzo floor laying
preparations for terrazzo flooring

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Prepare floor for terrazzo is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Terrazzo setter: Terrazzo setters create terrazzo surfaces. They prepare the surface, installing strips to divide sections. They then pour the solution containing cement and marble chips. Terrazzo setters finish the floor by polishing the surface to ensure smoothness and shine.

Optional skill

Prepare floor for terrazzo is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Abrasive blasting operator: Abrasive blasting operators use the proper equipment and machinery to smoothen rough surfaces by abrasive blasting. Abrasive blasting is commonly used in the finishing process of metal workpieces and for blasting building materials used in masonry such as bricks, stones and concrete. They operate blasters or sand cabinets which forcibly thrust a stream of abrasive material such sand, soda or water, under high pressure, propelled by a centrifigal wheel, in order to shape and smoothen surfaces.
Terrazzo setter supervisor: Terrazzo setter supervisors monitor terrazzo setting operations. They assign tasks and take quick decision to resolve problems.




  1. Prepare floor for terrazzo – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022