Promote cultural venue events


Work together with museum or any art facility staff to develop and promote its events and programme.

Alternative labels

advertise cultural venue events
promote cultural events at venues
work with cultural venue to promote events
promote venues with cultural events

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Promote cultural venue events is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Performance production manager: Performance production managers take care of a range of practical issues concerning the production. They deal with matters ranging from the recruitment of staff, procurement of materials and services, to freight, customs coordination, telecommunications, labor relations, logistics, information technology, government liaison, venue booking, scheduling, operations management, mending delay problems and workplace safety.
Cultural facilities manager: Cultural facilities managers direct the operations of facilities that provide cultural services such as theatre, movies and music. They plan and organise the daily operations of the related staff and facilities and ensure the organisation follows the latest developments in its field. They coordinate the different departments of the facility and manage the correct use of resources, policies and budgets.
Mediation and education manager: Mediation and education managers are in charge of all programmes, activities, studies and research concerning the presentation of the cultural venue’s artefacts or programme to current and prospective visitors.
Arts education officer: Education and visitor service officers deal with all the activities concerning the cultural venue and art facilities visitors, both current and prospective. They aim to deliver high quality and dynamic learning and participation programmes. They ensure that cultural venues and art facilities collections or live performance shows continue to serve as valuable learning resources for all ages. Education and visitor service officer  develop, deliver and evaluate programmes and events for classes, groups or individuals.
Cultural centre director: Cultural centre directors manage operations of a cultural community centre, they organise and promote cultural activities and events, manage staff, and aim to promote the overall inclusion of cultural programmes in the community.
Artistic director: Artistic directors are in charge of the programme of an artistic project or a cultural organisation. They are responsible for the strategic vision, the visibility and the quality of all kind of artistic activities and services such as theatre and dance companies. Artistic directors also manage staff, finances and policies.

Optional skill

Promote cultural venue events is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Spa manager: Spa managers coordinate the day-to-day operations of the spa establishment in order to provide guests with the best customer experiences. They oversee the activities and performance of staff, manage the financial aspects of the Spa, deal with suppliers and run advertising campaigns for the spa in order to attract more customers.
Specialised seller: Specialised sellers sell goods in specialised shops.
Cultural policy officer: Cultural policy officers develop and implement policies to improve and promote cultural activities and events. They manage resources and communicate with the public and media in order to facilitate interest in cultural programs and emphasize their importance in a community.
Ticket issuing clerk: Ticket issuing clerks provide service to customers, sell tickets and fit the reservation offer to customers’ needs. They sell tickets for all events such as sporting, cultural and leisure activities. They provide customers with information on offers and make the necessary arrangements.
Service manager: Service managers are responsible for the supervision and coordination of the provision of different professional and technical services to customers. They ensure a smooth interaction with clients and high levels of satisfaction post-service. This occupation includes the provision of policing, correctional, library, legal and fire services.
Policy officer: Policy officers research, analyse and develop policies in various public sectors, and shape and implement these policies to improve the existing regulation around the sector. They evaluate effects of existing policies and report findings to the government and members of the public. Policy officers work closely with partners, external organisations or other stakeholders and provide them with regular updates.
Art director: Art directors shape the visual layout of a concept. They create innovative designs, develop artistic projects  and manage the cooperation between all aspects involved. Art directors may perform creative work in theatre, marketing, advertising, video and motion picture, fashion or online companies. They ensure that the work performed is visually appealing to audiences.




  1. Promote cultural venue events – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022