Provide treatment strategies for challenges to human health


Identify possible treatment protocols for the challenges to human health within a given community in cases such as infectious diseases of high consequences at the global level.

Alternative labels

create treatment strategies for challenges to human health
provide treatment protocols for challenges to human health
provide treatment for challenges to human health
offer treatment strategies for challenges to human health
identify treatment strategies for challenges to human health

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Provide treatment strategies for challenges to human health is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Physiotherapist: Physiotherapists are autonomous health professionals who are responsible for developing, maintaining or restoring motor function and movement throughout the lifespan using evidence-based practice. They relieve pain and treat or prevent physical conditions associated with injury, disease or other impairments. Physiotherapists empower patients and their carers to manage the condition outside clinical settings. They work within their scope of practice and their professional Code of Conduct. 
Specialist nurse: Specialist nurses promote and restore people’s health, and diagnose and care within a specific branch of the nursing field. Examples of such specialist nursing jobs include but are not restricted to; ambulatory care nurse, advanced practice nurse, cardiac nurse, dental nurse, community health nurse, forensic nurse, gastroenterology nurse, hospice and palliative care nurse, paediatric nurse, public health nurse, rehabilitation nurse, renal nurse and school nurse. Specialist nurses are general care nurses prepared beyond the level of a nurse generalist and authorised to practice as specialists with specific expertise in a branch of the nursing field.
Biomedical scientist: Biomedical scientists perform all laboratory methods required as part of medical examination, treatment and research activities, particularly clinical-chemical, haematological, immuno-haematological, histological, cytological, microbiological, parasitological, mycological, serological and radiological tests. They perform analytical sample testing and report the results to the medical staff for further diagnosis. Biomedical Scientists may apply these methods in particular in the infection, blood or cellular sciences.
Advanced nurse practitioner: Advanced nurse practitioners are in charge of promoting and restoring patients` health, provide diagnosis and care in advanced settings, coordinating care within areas of chronic disease management, providing integrated care, and supervising assigned team members. Advanced nurse practitioners are general care nurses who have acquired an expert knowledge base, complex decision making skills and clinical competencies for expanded clinical practice on advanced level.
Music therapist: Music therapists use music-therapeutic interventions to treat patients with behavioural disorders and pathogenic conditions to prevent, mitigate or eliminate symptoms and to change behaviours and attitudes requiring treatment. They promote and maintain or restore the development, maturity and health of the patient/client by music-therapeutic interventions. Music therapy especially provides help for people with with emotional, somatic, intellectually or socially induced behavioural disorders and pathogenic conditions, such as psychoses (schizophrenic disorders, bipolar disorders) and personality development disorders.
Chiropractor: Chiropractors are responsible for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders related to the neuromusculoskeletal system and the effects of these disorders on general health. They are independent primary health care professionals.
Orthoptist: Orthoptists diagnose and treat anomalies of binocular vision. They examine, assess and treat vision impairments, squint, amblyopia and eye motility disorders. Orthoptists apply these methods in particular in the fields of paediatrics, neurology, neuro-ophthalmology, ophthalmology, orthoptics, optometry, pleoptics and strabology assessing functional diseases of the eye for improving functional disorders of the visual system. They also provide counselling, preventive measures and training activities and may refract and prescribe glasses, such as prism corrective glasses.
Pharmacist: Pharmacists prepare, dispense, and provide prescriptions for, over the counter medication. They offer clinical information on medicines, report suspected adverse reactions, and provide personalised support to patients. Pharmacists formulate and test medications in laboratories, and store, preserve, and distribute them.
Dietitian: Dietitians assess specific nutritional requirements of populations or individuals throughout their lives and translate this into advice which will maintain, reduce risk to, or restore people’s health. Using evidence-based approaches, dietitians work to empower individuals, families and groups to provide or select food which is nutritionally adequate, safe, tasty and sustainable. Beyond healthcare, dietitians improve the nutritional environment for all through governments, industry, academia and research.
Nurse responsible for general care: Nurses responsible for general care are in charge of promoting and restoring patients` health by providing physical and psychological support to patients, friends, and families. They also supervise assigned team members.
Specialist pharmacist: Specialist pharmacists provide specialist services for companies in the pharmacy industry and in hospital pharmacies.  The role of the specialist pharmacist varies throughout Europe, subject to national rules and training.
Midwife: Midwives assist women in childbirth by providing the necessary support, care and advice during pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period, conduct births and provide care for the new-born. They advise on health, preventive measures, preparation for parenthood, detection of complications in mother and child, accessing of medical care, promoting normal birth and carrying out emergency measures.
Advanced physiotherapist: Advanced physiotherapists are highly specialised. They make complex decisions and manage risks in unpredictable contexts and within a defined area. They may focus on a specific area of clinical practice, education, research or professional management.
Specialist biomedical scientist: Specialist biomedical scientists lead a department or specialist area, working as a diagnostic partner with a clinical team (investigating and diagnosing patient illnesses like diabetes, haematological disorders, coagulation, molecular biology or genomics) or undertaking clinical research projects.
Psychotherapist: Psychotherapists assist and treat healthcare users with varying degrees of psychological, psychosocial, or psychosomatic behavioural disorders and pathogenic conditions by means of psychotherapeutic methods. They promote personal development and well-being and provide advice on improving relationships, capabilities, and problem-solving techniques. They use science-based psychotherapeutic methods such as behavioural therapy, existential analysis and logotherapy, psychoanalysis or systemic family therapy in order to guide the patients in their development and help them search for appropriate solutions to their problems. Psychotherapists are not required to have academic degrees in psychology or a medical qualification in psychiatry. It is an independent occupation from psychology, psychiatry, and counselling.
Specialist chiropractor: Specialist chiropractors have an advanced knowledge and understanding in a specific chiropractic area, acquiring complex decision making skills and clinical competency within the scope of the chiropractic profession. Specialist chiropractors may have undertaken an advanced course of studies to acquire the necessary skills and competency and qualification. Specialist chiropractors may be found in different specific fields such as education, functional neurology, orthopaedics, paediatrics, research, radiology, sport.
Optometrist: Optometrists examine and test eyes to identify abnormalities, visual problems, or disease. They prescribe and fit lenses such as spectacles and contacts, and offer advice on visual problems. They may also refer patients to a medical practitioner. Their scope of practice and title varies according to national regulations.
Audiologist: Audiologists assess, diagnose and treat patients ( children or adults) with audiological and vestibular disorders caused by infectious, genetic, traumatic or degenerative conditions, such as hearing loss, tinnitus, dizziness, imbalance, hyperacusis and auditory processing difficulties. They can prescribe a hearing aid and have a role in assessing and managing patients who may benefit from cochlear implants. 
Dental practitioner: Dental practitioners prevent, diagnose and treat anomalies and diseases affecting the teeth, mouth, jaws and adjoining tissues.

Optional skill

Provide treatment strategies for challenges to human health is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Optician: Opticians help to improve and correct an individual’s vision according to prescriptions provided by a specialised doctor in ophthalmology or an optometrist. They fit spectacle lenses and frames, contact lenses, and other devices to the specifications of both the individual and the prescription. Opticians do not test patients vision nor write prescriptions for visual correction. Their scope of practice varies according to national regulations.
Health psychologist: Health psychologists deal with the various aspects of health related behaviour of individuals and groups, by helping individuals or groups prevent illness and promote healthy behaviours by also providing counseling services. They perform tasks for the development of health promotion activities and projects on the basis of psychological science, research findings, theories, methods and techniques. They also engage in research about health related issues to influence public policy on health care issues.
Clinical psychologist: Clinical psychologists diagnose, rehabilitate, and support individuals affected by mental, emotional, and behavioural disorders and problems as well as mental changes and pathogenic conditions through use of cognitive tools and appropriate intervention. They use clinical psychological resources on the basis of psychological science, its findings, theories, methods, and techniques for the investigation, interpretation, and prediction of human experience and behaviour.




  1. Provide treatment strategies for challenges to human health – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022