Use chemicals and solvents to remove contaminants from products or surfaces.
Alternative labels
products and surfaces decontaminating
decontaminate products and surfaces
decontaminating products and surfaces
contaminant removing
removing contaminants
product and surface decontaminating
contaminants removing
Skill type
Skill reusability level
Relationships with occupations
Essential skill
Remove contaminants is an essential skill of the following occupations:
Asbestos abatement worker: Asbestos abatement workers remove asbestos from buildings and other constructions, compliant with health and safety regulations concerning the handling of hazardous materials. They investigate the intensity of the asbestos contamination, prepare the structure for removal, and prevent contamination of other areas.
Building exterior cleaner: Building exterior cleaners remove dirt and litter from a building’s exterior, as well as perform restoration tasks. They ensure the cleaning methods are compliant with safety regulations, and monitor the exteriors to ensure they are in proper condition.
Decontamination worker: Decontamination workers remove and dispose of hazardous materials, such as radioactive materials or contaminated soil. They handle hazardous materials in compliance with safety regulations, investigate causes of contamination, and remove the contamination from the structure or site.
Hazardous waste technician: Hazardous waste technicians dispose of materials that have been in contact with or are ignitable, corrosive, reactive, toxic or a combination of the aforementioned hazardous traits. They remove the waste from industrial facilities or households and transport them to a treatment facility to ensure they are treated and disposed of according to regulations. They may also advise on the proper treatment of hazardous waste, and aid in the clean-up of hazardous waste spills.
Optional skill
Remove contaminants is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.
Radiation protection technician: Radiation protection technicians monitor radiation levels in buildings and facilities to ensure compliance with health and safety standards, and to prevent dangerous elevations in the radiation level. They take measures to minimise radiation emissions, and to prevent further contamination in the event of radiation pollution, by developing radiation protection plans, in particular for nuclear plants and facilities.
Recycling worker: Recycling workers clean materials and remove waste, and ensure the waste and collected materials are sorted in the appropriate recycling containers. They also dismantle vehicles and sort the parts collected, and deposit recyclable materials onto conveyor belts where they can be further sorted.
Emergency response worker: Emergency response workers work in missions to aid in emergency and disaster situations, such as natural disasters or oil spills. They clean up the debris or waste caused by the event, ensure the people involved are brought to safety, prevent further damage, and transport goods such as food and medical supplies.
Chemical processing supervisor: Chemical processing supervisors coordinate the activities and the staff involved in the chemical production process, ensuring the production goals and deadlines are met. They control quality and optimize chemicals processing by ensuring defined tests, analysis and quality control procedures are performed.
Sorter labourer: Sorter labourers sort recyclable materials and waste from a recycling stream, and ensure no unsuitable materials wind up among the recyclable materials. They inspect the materials and perform cleaning duties, and work in compliance with waste regulations.
- Remove contaminants – ESCO