
Secure sensitive customer’s information


Select and apply security measures and regulations related to sensitive customer information with the aim of protecting their privacy.

Alternative labels

securing sensitive customer’s information
maintain sensitive customer’s information
secure a sensitive customer’s information
securing a sensitive customer’s information
protect sensitive customer’s information
keep safe sensitive customer’s information
look after sensitive customer’s information

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Secure sensitive customer’s information is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Digital forensics expert: Digital forensics experts retrieve and analyse information from computers and other types of data storage devices. They examine digital media that may have been hidden, encrypted or damaged, in a forensic manner with the aim to identify, preserve, recover, analyse and present facts and opinions about the digital information.
ICT help desk manager: ICT help desk managers monitor the delivery of technical support services to clients according to the predefined deadlines. They plan and organise the user support actions and troubleshoot ICT problems and issues. ICT help desk managers supervise the help desk team ensuring that the customers get the appropriate feedback and support. They also participate in developing customer service guidelines and in reinforcing the team.
Debt collector: Debt collectors compile debt owned to the organisation or third parties, mostly in cases when the debt is past its due date.

Tax advisor: Tax advisors use their expertise in tax legislation to provide commercially-focused advisory and consultancy services to a wide range of clients from all economic sectors. They explain complicated tax-related legislation to their clients and assist them in ensuring the most efficient and beneficial payment of taxes by devising tax-efficient strategies. They also inform them of fiscal changes and developments and may specialise in tax strategies concerning mergers or multinational reconstruction for business clients, trust and estate taxes for individual clients etc.
Call centre supervisor: Call centre supervisors oversee call centre employees, manage projects and understand technical aspects of the call centre activities.

Optional skill

Secure sensitive customer’s information is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Postman/postwoman: Postmen/Postwomen deliver mails and parcel posts to residences and businesses. They perform mail delivery and collect signatures from the recipients. They perform other duties in connection with mail services from post offices or related organisations.




  1. Secure sensitive customer’s information – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022