Process of shaping wood on a lathe and its types, namely spindle turning and faceplate turning.
Alternative labels
wood lathing
wood working
wood turning
turning wood
wood shaping
Skill type
Skill reusability level
Relationships with occupations
Essential knowledge
Woodturning is an essential knowledge of the following occupations:
Harpsichord maker: Harpsichord makers create and assemble parts to make harpsichords according to specified instructions or diagrams. They sand wood, tune, test and inspect the finished instrument.
Antique furniture reproducer: Antique furniture reproducers duplicate and recreate antique furniture. They prepare drawings and templates of the article, create, fit and assemble parts and finish the article after original specifications.
Membranophone musical instruments maker: Membranophone musical instruments makers create and assemble parts to make membranophone instruments to specified instructions or diagrams. They stretch and attach the membrane to the frame of the instrument, test the quality and inspect the finished instrument.
Cabinet maker: Cabinet makers build cabinets or other pieces of furniture by cutting, shaping and fitting pieces of wood. They use different kind of power and hand tools, such as lathes, planers and saws.
Idiophone musical instruments maker: Idiophone musical instruments makers create and assemble parts to make idiophone instruments to specified instructions or diagrams. They shape, drill, sand and string the parts that are mostly made out of glass, metal, ceramics or wood, clean, test the quality and inspect the finished instrument.
Optional knowledge
Woodturning is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this knowledge may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.
Musical instrument technician: Musical instrument technicians maintain, tune and repair musical instruments such as pianos, pipe organs, band instruments, violins and other instruments.
Doll maker: Doll makers design, create and repair dolls using various materials such as porcelain, wood or plastic. They build moulds of forms and attach parts using adhesives and handtools.
Wicker furniture maker: Wicker furniture makers choose and prepare materials such as softened rattan or willow branches in order to produce wicker furniture such as chairs, tables and couches. They use hand, power or machine tools to cut, bend and weave materials to create the desired objects. Finally, they treat the surface to ensure a finished look and protect it from corrosion and fire using waxes, lacquers and other coatings.
Keyboard musical instrument maker: Keyboard musical instrument makers create and assemble parts to create keyboard instruments according to specified instructions or diagrams. They sand wood, tune, test and inspect the finished instrument.
Electronic musical instrument maker: Electronic musical instrument makers create and assemble parts to make electronic instruments according to specified instructions or diagrams. They install and test electric pick-ups, clean and inspect the finished instrument.
Wind musical instrument maker: Wind musical instrument makers create and assemble parts to make wind instruments according to specified instructions and diagrams. They measure and cut the tubing for the resonator, assemble parts such as braces, slides, valves, piston, bell heads and mouth pieces, test and inspect the finished instrument.
Furniture finisher: Furniture finishers treat the surface of wood furniture using hand and power tools to sand, clean and polish. They apply wood coatings onto wooden surfaces by using different techniques such as brushing or using a spray gun. They choose and apply the right coatings with protective and/or decorative purposes.
- Woodturning – ESCO